A Negro Shot Last Night

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a. n.a. n.a.
Publisher: Tuscaloosa Weekly Times
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Date of publication: 11/12/1902 0:00

A NEGRO SHOT LAST NIGHT. John Spruce Almost Instantly Killed at the ” Flying Jenny. ” A young Negro man, named John Spruce, was shot and almost instantly killed last night at the flying jenny tent about 9 o’clock. The shooting was done by an employee of the company named Nolen. The flying jenny is operated by Mr. Charlie Murray, and is not in any way connected with the carnival and street fair management, it located on a vacant lot on the corner of 28rd avenue and 7th street. There was a large crowd of negroes around the machine at the and each one gave different accounts of the shooting, The real account from the best information is that the negro was jumping on and off the machine, and Nolen getting tired of this ordered him to stop. The negro jumped on again, and as he did so, Nolen stepped up to him and drew his gun and fired. Spruce fell to the ground and died in a few moments. It was said that the negro pulled a knife, but a thorough search was made, but no weapon was discovered. Dr Hargrove was summoned, but the negro was breathing his last when he arrived. The shot took effect in the breast. Spruce was working at the furnace. He had formerly worked as a fireman in the dummy. He was between 20 and 25 years old. Nolen left immediately after the shooting and has not yet been apprehended. There was a rumor that he was captured at Fayette and another that he was captured at Jasper. Both of these proved unfounded.