Article 6- No Title

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Washington Post
Date of publication: 1886

Article 6- No Title

The reputation of the South is being badly damaged by the cowardly appeals to that brute who is dignified by the title “Judge Lynch”. Every day in the year there is lynching in the Southern States, and in almost every state the victim is negro. On Thursday, a mob of masked men in Alabama “went into the jail overpowered the jailer, took out the three negroes charged with arson and hung them to the limb of a neighboring tree.” They would not have hanged three white men “charged with arson.” It is such ignoble, ruffianism as this that constantly disgraces the sunny lands , repels immigration and prevents progress. Other things equal, only the most peaceful and law-abiding communities are attractive to settlers.


No Title-Article 6, pg.1, 1886, October,