Brutal Murder Avenged

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Daily Democrat
Place of publication: Huntington, IN
Date of publication: 2/19/1894

The disgraceful affair near Selma, Ala.) of which our correspondent gives the particulars in a lengthy special else where published, is much to be deplored. There must be Bnce weakness in the laws or their enforcement in a place where men are compelled to arm to maintain their right to peace and security. That tho attempt by a ngro to outrage a white woman should be punished with death eeems to be the first cbuse of tbe unwritten code that is deemed eeaectiil to the security of white women, but, eren if that concession i3 made, it ought to bo an easy matter for the sheriff of a county to take order for the gaiety of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” There must De eome-t’iin wrorg in Chilton county, something radically wrocg, that ought to Le immediately eet nht. The law must be enforced. It mint be salens if there is to be a real and lasting peaco.


“Brutal Murder Avenged.” The Daily Democrat (Huntington, IN), February 19, 1894.