Democratic Meeting at Smith’s Beat

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Independent Monitor
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa
Date of publication: Oct 10, 1870 11:50 pm

Democratic Meeting at Smith’s Beat On the 1st inst., a large meeting of the Democracy of this beat took place, at Mount Olive Chürch. Or- ganized by the election of H. H. Har. grove, Esq., as Chairman, and Jas, Hays as Secretary. All persons present (about 150) subscribed their names in support of the nominees of the Democratic party. The Chair- man was then requested to appoint a committeo of five, to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meet- ing. The following were appointed: Messrs, W. S. Smith, Alvery Jones, B. N. Clements, A. W. Dyer and T. A. Hargrove. Committoe retired, and brought in the following resoln. lutions; which ere unanimously adopted: Resolved, 1st, That we heartily on- dorso the platform adopted by the Democratic Convention hill at Mont- gomory on the 1st Sept., 1870, and plodge ourselves to support the ean- dillates nominated.