Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Tuscaloosa News
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Date of publication: 3/27/1928 0:00

ELLEDGE GIVEN BOND IN DEATHS OF TWO NEGROES Self-Defense Claimed By Slayer Of Blacks Following the giving of a state- ment regarding the killing of two negroes near Elrod night before last to the sheriff and solicitor here, Earnest Elledge, a young white man of that community who took the blame for the killing, has been released on bond pending the action of Tuscaloosa county grand jury in the case. Oné of the two Brown negroes, it is said, had had some trouble with young Elledge’s father a few weeks ago, and had threatened the senior Elledge. It had been the outgrowth of the negro’s leav- ing a mule in the field hitched to a plow. Night before last young El- ledge and a companion in a car had encountered the two negroes on the road, and young Elledge had gotten out of the car to warn the negro with whom his father had had trouble that a threat against his father was a threat against him and that he had bet- ter be careful. The negro, it is said, started to attack Elledge and was shot, The negro’s brother ran to the attack and also received a bullet, Inves- tigation made by the deputy sher- iffs yesterday, it is said, showed that both negroes had been shot from the front. The companion of young Elledge, it is said, never left the car in which he was sit- ting. The two negroes were Dave and Jerry Brown, brothers, who were of middle age and were well known in that section of the county.