Florence Lady Saved by Her Dog

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Annison Star
Place of publication: Anniston, AL
Date of publication: 3/23/1907

FLORENCE LADY SAVED BY HER DOG NEGRO UNDERTAKES TO DAMAGE WIFE OF HIS BENEFACTOR POPULACE WROUGHT UP. Special to the Star. FLORENCE; March 23. A posse with bloodhounds are in pursuit oF Cleveland Hardin a negro, who attempted criminal assault on Mrs. Ben Rice yesterday afternoon, at her home seven miles west of this city. The negro was prevented from accomplishing his purpose by a pet shepherd dog, who attacked him when he entered the room where Mrs. Rice was alone and attempted to lay hands on her. Mr. Rice was In Florence serving as juryman, and Mrs. Rice was alone, Hardin has been released from the county jail last Saturday by Mr. Rice, who went on his bail and employed him on his farm. Dogs were soon secured from Columbia, Tenn., and started on the negro’s trail. The city of Florence and surrounding country is in a fever of excitement, and it is possible that the military will be called out to protect the negro if he is captured. Mrs. Rice is a sister-in-law of Sheriff Young of this county.


“Florence Lady Saved by Her Dog.” The Anniston Star (Anniston, AL), March 23, 1907.