Frank Richardson Will Pay Penalty for Crime by Hanging This Morning

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Tuscaloosa Times Gazette
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, AL
Date of publication: 7/19/1912 0:00

FRANK RICHARDSON WILL PAY PENALTY FOR CRIME BY HANGING THIS MORNING Elble and Testament. He la in a bet- Governor “Neal Declines to tor physical condition now than he BURCHFIELI BROS. TOEREC Interfere With Meting was when arreated. He has receiv ed the best of meals at the county jail LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSI Out of Justice and has fleahened up quite a bit. This morning he will be treated to Plans Have Been Drawn and Cor TAKES STOICAL VIEW another good meal and at half past tracts Now Being Secured-Struc- OF PROSPECT. eleven o’clock will begin to make his ture to be of Brick and Will Dual preparations before departing Cost $25,000. this world. After Long and Harrowing Delay Ne- Under the new code of Alabama, BIG WHOLESALE GROCERS TO gro Condemned for Killing Brown there will be but few witnesses to HAVE THREE STORY BUILDING Horton and Tom Cooper Will the execution. The law provides for Be Hanged. the presence of the sheriff, trial Burchfield Bros., the big wholesal judge, prosecuting attorney, defend- grocers, now housed at the head o MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 18.- ant’s lawyer, close relatives of the Greensboro Avenue, will at an earl (Special to Times-Gazette.) -At condemned man, two doctors, the pro- date begin the erection of a hand Twenty minutes past ten to-night, bate judge and county clerk, four de some structure which will be devot Governor O’Neal announced that he putles and a detail of National ed to their business. Their new build would not interfere In the execution Guadrsmen, If such is deemed advis ing will be situated on the propert; of Frank Richardson, the Tuscaloosa able. formerly occupied by the negro Bar county negro,-Whe is under sentence tist Church, just between the freigh of death to die to-morrow in that and passenger terminals of the Min county, for the murder of Tom Coop- THE SCAPEGOAT eral rallroad, it will be constructe er and Brown Horton. The decision of brick throughout, pressed briel arrived at by the Governor came af- (By Isidore Sperling.) Leing used on all sides. The bulld ter long conferences with counsel for What is the hardest thing in the ing will be 60×100 feet and will cas the negro, the prosecuting attorney world? To blame oneself. If you fall $25,000 as a low estimate. of Tuscaloosa county, C. B. Verner, in life, somebody is surely to blame. The plans for the structure wer who arrived in Montgomery today and others interested in the case. But who is that somebody? Well, drawn by. Mr. E. J. Ostling, and car everybody, nay the whole world com- TY with them, sanitary feature blued, except your own self, which are becoming more and mor Frank Richardson will explate his crime on the gallows in the county Indeed, you, at the worst, are mere- of a necessity in modern times. 1 17 a weak something that falls a vic- will be semi-fire-proof and will bi Jall this morning at twelve o’clock, paying at that time, the penalty im- tim to the “slings and arrows” of so constructed that it may If necer posed by a jury for shooting and kill- plotting humanity, or what is worse, sity demands, be converted into ai ing ex-Deputy Tom Cooper and H. to traitorous friends, Hence, next office building or hotel. Everythin; comes self-pity. Hence, the busy these prominent wholesalers will b Brown Horton, a member of the rushing, unsympathetic human strietly modern and up-to-date, an. posse pursuing him after his shoot- an electric elevator will be installe ng of Cooper last October. stream that does not stop its ever- The crime for which Richardson running course to express genuine :e with tremendous carrying capacity Bids on materials have been asker pays the penalty to-day needs little gret, .s coid and heartless. ter and some lots are now being plac no comment here; suffice it to This is only true, when you are ed on the ground. The building wil say that it was one of the most trag- the loser in the game of life. It is be of mill construction and when le of events and one that stirred the different however, when you have faished will prove an admirable sit people of Tuscaloosa county to its madame fortune smiling at you. uation for the company to use same attermost borders. It was on Sunday Inhen you are one of the fortified morning, October 22nd., that the late members of the great human family He did not make the trip as ai x-Deputy Tom Cooper went to the You look upon the great stage of life official man. So don’t blame him home of Richardson to borrow a sad- from a different standpoint. Hence, he is not the scape-goat. dle; it was here that Richardson shot There is nothing the matter with But who is to blame for the ter im down and later made his escape this planet then, world is by rible loss of so many human lives This single act of the negro served no means out of joint. Everything Hush.. Hearken to the sober report to rouse a people of a broad com- is perfectly normal and just. If any that has reached us from sober Eng munity and posses were sent out in thing happens to disturb the well bal- land. Captain Smith is the Scape eerch of the murderer. It was on anced scales of this mother earth, Goat! See, Captain Smith did no Monday morning between the hours why, it is no sign that something heed the warnings. Captain Smitl of 4 and 5 o’clock that Brown Hor is wrong with the scales. never realized the great value of hu ton, one of the pursuing men, was See, some crank meddled with the man life. Captain Smith was lost uthlessly shot down after he had screw, called tradition or with anoth- in one awful ambition! The awfu commanded his prey to .give up. The er named conservatism. Just let ambition of making a record breaking man hunt from that time was re- justice get a firm hold of the crank. reputation doubled with frenzied interest, and it Let authority seize the disturber. Let Don’t you see? You have solved was Tuesday the 24th of October the solemn judiciary pronounce a the problem. You simply have the before he was captured, brought to Lord, exemplary sentence upon the key to the whole vast situation. Cap Tuscaloosa where the grand jury then radical who does not mind his own tain Smith put property rights abov sitting issued a bill of murder in the business. human rights. To Captain Smith Ist degree against him the same day; Look, behold, the scales of prosper- time was above everything else. Cap and shortly thereafter he was re- ous life getting into the good old tain Smith’s motto was, “Time i moved to Birmingham, where he re- balance once more again. Everything mained until his trial at which time money, and money ?” runs on smoothly as if on oiled Poor, poor Smith! You rusher ne was given the full penalty of the wheels, except for the natural kick- law “the leath sentence” by the jury 1600 people, great, famous people in ers, whom nothing short of a just trying his case. to the ley jaws of death simpl; distribution of the world’s riches will Richardson through his attorneys through a mistaken motto. Time i ever satisfy. But this is dangerous from that day began a strong fight for not everything, for money is in the folly. Only socialists and the like are à commutement of sentence and his true analysis, nothing but a sordi mean enough to advocate a radical hanging was several times deferred fragment of rich, significant an change of the scales. Never mind until on the last occasion it went many sided life. before the Supreme Court and the them. Just punish the disturber. Poor, poor Smith! You believe That’s all. verdict of the lower court was upheld that the incomparable Titanic war The pardons Board was solicited to Is that all? Will the wrong ad- unsinkable! Unsinkable? Has ther spare the life of the negro and two just itself by punishing somebody, ever been or will there ever be a members favored a commutement of some disturber? Does the wrong lie unsinkable Titanic? On the othe sentence, but the Governor refused with somebody? Is the injustice to hand was poor Smith alone of th to be moved in his opinion that Rich- be found outside of ourselves? Is it opinion that humanity had built u ardson’s was a case of a fugitive de- sound to follow the mediaeval method an unsinkable Titanic? Was Smitl fying and shooting a pursuing officer of procuring a scape-goat? alone of the opinion, that propert; end his decision last night that he To Illustrate furthermore. The T1- rights are above human rights? Wa would not interfere with the carrying tanie disaster is fresh in our minds. poor Smith alone of the opinion tha out of justice removed all hopes the 1600 people lost their lives. The best by `record-breaking reputations negro may have had for securing a whole world stood aghast. The wir- the pinnacle of life can be reache life sentence. The Sheriff has had es were kept busy with harrowing Was poor Smith alone of the opinio: things in readiness at the county jall details. The newspapers filled their that “time is money and money- some time, looking to the execution columns with numberless descrip At last, was Captain Smith the onl cf Richardson. The rope has been tions of the sufferings and heroic commander whose mistaken mott stretching some time, and early this feats of the lost victims proved disastrous? Is it not true, tha morning he will secure the coffin in And the public? Well, the busy the commander draws his inspiration which the negro will be buried. The and the idling public read and judg nay his ideas from those whom h p itnesses provided for by law have ed, read and looked for a scape-goat commands? Is it not true, that o been summoned to be present and Who is to blame? land as well as on water, great ship barring a change of heart on the part We, the public? A hundred times, are being wrecked, many huma of the Governor, today the negro will no. Who is to blame then? The Hives meet fate’s worse than death be so to his Maker, great White Star Line? Why, no. cause of misleadership? Is it no Richardson has been in the county They were not near the place of true that only too often,” too of jall here for some time now. Last disaster. Mr Ismay? (Why, no. It ten Titanie in the form of counties night he was placed in the death cell is true, he is the director of the districts, states and countries guide and a watch put over him. Of late he great line. It is true, he was in by brave and well-meaning Smith has not seemed much perturbed over too great a hurry to save his own meet with grim destruction becaus his fate. He has talked to visitors precious life. But he was on the TI- of false mottoes? freely, and has sought comfort in tanic merely as a private passenger Study the past, pay close attentio: FRANK RICHARDSON WILL PAY PENALTY FOR CRIME BY HANGING THIS MORNING Elble and Testament. He la in a bet- Governor “Neal Declines to tor physical condition now than he BURCHFIELI BROS. TOEREC Interfere With Meting was when arreated. He has receiv ed the best of meals at the county jail LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSI Out of Justice and has fleahened up quite a bit. This morning he will be treated to Plans Have Been Drawn and Cor TAKES STOICAL VIEW another good meal and at half past tracts Now Being Secured-Struc- OF PROSPECT. eleven o’clock will begin to make his ture to be of Brick and Will Dual preparations before departing Cost $25,000. this world. After Long and Harrowing Delay Ne- Under the new code of Alabama, BIG WHOLESALE GROCERS TO gro Condemned for Killing Brown there will be but few witnesses to HAVE THREE STORY BUILDING Horton and Tom Cooper Will the execution. The law provides for Be Hanged. the presence of the sheriff, trial Burchfield Bros., the big wholesal judge, prosecuting attorney, defend- grocers, now housed at the head o MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 18.- ant’s lawyer, close relatives of the Greensboro Avenue, will at an earl (Special to Times-Gazette.) -At condemned man, two doctors, the pro- date begin the erection of a hand Twenty minutes past ten to-night, bate judge and county clerk, four de some structure which will be devot Governor O’Neal announced that he putles and a detail of National ed to their business. Their new build would not interfere In the execution Guadrsmen, If such is deemed advis ing will be situated on the propert; of Frank Richardson, the Tuscaloosa able. formerly occupied by the negro Bar county negro,-Whe is under sentence tist Church, just between the freigh of death to die to-morrow in that and passenger terminals of the Min county, for the murder of Tom Coop- THE SCAPEGOAT eral rallroad, it will be constructe er and Brown Horton. The decision of brick throughout, pressed briel arrived at by the Governor came af- (By Isidore Sperling.) Leing used on all sides. The bulld ter long conferences with counsel for What is the hardest thing in the ing will be 60×100 feet and will cas the negro, the prosecuting attorney world? To blame oneself. If you fall $25,000 as a low estimate. of Tuscaloosa county, C. B. Verner, in life, somebody is surely to blame. The plans for the structure wer who arrived in Montgomery today and others interested in the case. But who is that somebody? Well, drawn by. Mr. E. J. Ostling, and car everybody, nay the whole world com- TY with them, sanitary feature blued, except your own self, which are becoming more and mor Frank Richardson will explate his crime on the gallows in the county Indeed, you, at the worst, are mere- of a necessity in modern times. 1 17 a weak something that falls a vic- will be semi-fire-proof and will bi Jall this morning at twelve o’clock, paying at that time, the penalty im- tim to the “slings and arrows” of so constructed that it may If necer posed by a jury for shooting and kill- plotting humanity, or what is worse, sity demands, be converted into ai ing ex-Deputy Tom Cooper and H. to traitorous friends, Hence, next office building or hotel. Everythin; comes self-pity. Hence, the busy these prominent wholesalers will b Brown Horton, a member of the rushing, unsympathetic human strietly modern and up-to-date, an. posse pursuing him after his shoot- an electric elevator will be installe ng of Cooper last October. stream that does not stop its ever- The crime for which Richardson running course to express genuine :e with tremendous carrying capacity Bids on materials have been asker pays the penalty to-day needs little gret, .s coid and heartless. ter and some lots are now being plac no comment here; suffice it to This is only true, when you are ed on the ground. The building wil say that it was one of the most trag- the loser in the game of life. It is be of mill construction and when le of events and one that stirred the different however, when you have faished will prove an admirable sit people of Tuscaloosa county to its madame fortune smiling at you. uation for the company to use same attermost borders. It was on Sunday Inhen you are one of the fortified morning, October 22nd., that the late members of the great human family He did not make the trip as ai x-Deputy Tom Cooper went to the You look upon the great stage of life official man. So don’t blame him home of Richardson to borrow a sad- from a different standpoint. Hence, he is not the scape-goat. dle; it was here that Richardson shot There is nothing the matter with But who is to blame for the ter im down and later made his escape this planet then, world is by rible loss of so many human lives This single act of the negro served no means out of joint. Everything Hush.. Hearken to the sober report to rouse a people of a broad com- is perfectly normal and just. If any that has reached us from sober Eng munity and posses were sent out in thing happens to disturb the well bal- land. Captain Smith is the Scape eerch of the murderer. It was on anced scales of this mother earth, Goat! See, Captain Smith did no Monday morning between the hours why, it is no sign that something heed the warnings. Captain Smitl of 4 and 5 o’clock that Brown Hor is wrong with the scales. never realized the great value of hu ton, one of the pursuing men, was See, some crank meddled with the man life. Captain Smith was lost uthlessly shot down after he had screw, called tradition or with anoth- in one awful ambition! The awfu commanded his prey to .give up. The er named conservatism. Just let ambition of making a record breaking man hunt from that time was re- justice get a firm hold of the crank. reputation doubled with frenzied interest, and it Let authority seize the disturber. Let Don’t you see? You have solved was Tuesday the 24th of October the solemn judiciary pronounce a the problem. You simply have the before he was captured, brought to Lord, exemplary sentence upon the key to the whole vast situation. Cap Tuscaloosa where the grand jury then radical who does not mind his own tain Smith put property rights abov sitting issued a bill of murder in the business. human rights. To Captain Smith Ist degree against him the same day; Look, behold, the scales of prosper- time was above everything else. Cap and shortly thereafter he was re- ous life getting into the good old tain Smith’s motto was, “Time i moved to Birmingham, where he re- balance once more again. Everything mained until his trial at which time money, and money ?” runs on smoothly as if on oiled Poor, poor Smith! You rusher ne was given the full penalty of the wheels, except for the natural kick- law “the leath sentence” by the jury 1600 people, great, famous people in ers, whom nothing short of a just trying his case. to the ley jaws of death simpl; distribution of the world’s riches will Richardson through his attorneys through a mistaken motto. Time i ever satisfy. But this is dangerous from that day began a strong fight for not everything, for money is in the folly. Only socialists and the like are à commutement of sentence and his true analysis, nothing but a sordi mean enough to advocate a radical hanging was several times deferred fragment of rich, significant an change of the scales. Never mind until on the last occasion it went many sided life. before the Supreme Court and the them. Just punish the disturber. Poor, poor Smith! You believe That’s all. verdict of the lower court was upheld that the incomparable Titanic war The pardons Board was solicited to Is that all? Will the wrong ad- unsinkable! Unsinkable? Has ther spare the life of the negro and two just itself by punishing somebody, ever been or will there ever be a members favored a commutement of some disturber? Does the wrong lie unsinkable Titanic? On the othe sentence, but the Governor refused with somebody? Is the injustice to hand was poor Smith alone of th to be moved in his opinion that Rich- be found outside of ourselves? Is it opinion that humanity had built u ardson’s was a case of a fugitive de- sound to follow the mediaeval method an unsinkable Titanic? Was Smitl fying and shooting a pursuing officer of procuring a scape-goat? alone of the opinion, that propert; end his decision last night that he To Illustrate furthermore. The T1- rights are above human rights? Wa would not interfere with the carrying tanie disaster is fresh in our minds. poor Smith alone of the opinion tha out of justice removed all hopes the 1600 people lost their lives. The best by `record-breaking reputations negro may have had for securing a whole world stood aghast. The wir- the pinnacle of life can be reache life sentence. The Sheriff has had es were kept busy with harrowing Was poor Smith alone of the opinio: things in readiness at the county jall details. The newspapers filled their that “time is money and money- some time, looking to the execution columns with numberless descrip At last, was Captain Smith the onl cf Richardson. The rope has been tions of the sufferings and heroic commander whose mistaken mott stretching some time, and early this feats of the lost victims proved disastrous? Is it not true, tha morning he will secure the coffin in And the public? Well, the busy the commander draws his inspiration which the negro will be buried. The and the idling public read and judg nay his ideas from those whom h p itnesses provided for by law have ed, read and looked for a scape-goat commands? Is it not true, that o been summoned to be present and Who is to blame? land as well as on water, great ship barring a change of heart on the part We, the public? A hundred times, are being wrecked, many huma of the Governor, today the negro will no. Who is to blame then? The Hives meet fate’s worse than death be so to his Maker, great White Star Line? Why, no. cause of misleadership? Is it no Richardson has been in the county They were not near the place of true that only too often,” too of jall here for some time now. Last disaster. Mr Ismay? (Why, no. It ten Titanie in the form of counties night he was placed in the death cell is true, he is the director of the districts, states and countries guide and a watch put over him. Of late he great line. It is true, he was in by brave and well-meaning Smith has not seemed much perturbed over too great a hurry to save his own meet with grim destruction becaus his fate. He has talked to visitors precious life. But he was on the TI- of false mottoes? freely, and has sought comfort in tanic merely as a private passenger Study the past, pay close attentio: