Hanged by a Mob

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Delphos Daily Herald
Place of publication: Delphos, OH
Date of publication: 6/6/1895
Source URL: View Source

WASHINGTON, June G. — A special to The Post from Birmingham, Ala., says that near Strasburg, Ala., Monday night Jim Powell, colored, entered the room of Mary Bussey, aged 15, daughter of a prominent farmer, and attempted to assault her. She screamed for help. Her father came, but the negro escaped. A posse was hastily organized and gave chase, capturing Powell near Galera Tuesday evening. He was taken back to Strasburg and identified. The posse then left with him ostensibly for the county jail at Clanton, but Powell’s body was found yesterday morning hanging to a tree a mile from Strasburg.


“Hanged by a Mob.” The Delphos Daily Herald (Delphos, OH), June 06, 1895.