“Harrison Swilley – 11/1/1894-12/18/1894”

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Tuscaloosa Weekly Times
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, AL
Date of publication: Nov 21, 1894 12:00 am

SHOT Harrison Swilley, Colored, killed by N. T. Clements
Squire J. D. Blocker came up from Hulls this morning and furnished us with the particulars connected with the killing of Harrison Swilley, a negro by N. T. Clements. It seems that last Thursday Swilley had been to Tuscaloosa and while here filled upon red liquor, getting very drunk in consequence. Returning to Hulls on the evening train he was quite boisterous and firing his pistol scared several teams, causing Mr. Clements’ horses to run away. Mr. Clements reprimanded Swilley for his bad conduct and proceeded home. The next day and also on Saturday Mr. Clements was told by several persons that Swilley had been heard to say that he was going the “have it out” with Clements. Upon being advised by some to take his case to law, if he had anything against Mr. Clements he responded, “No I am law enough myself to settle this matter.”
On Sunday morning Swilley appeared at the gate of Mr. Clements’ home and called him out. Seeing who his visitor was and being cognizant of the threats he had made. Mr. Clements armed himself with a shot gun loaded with squirrel shot and started to the gate. As he approached Swilley is said to have placed his hand behind him as though to draw a weapon, and as he made the motion Clements brought his gun to bear and fired. The negro fell mortally wounded and shortly expired. ‘Squire Blocker was the first man to approach the prostrate body. He was lying on his face and from his hip pocket protruded the butt of a revolver. The load from the gun took effect in the negro’s face.
At last reports Clements had not been arrested but is attending to his usual business, awaiting the action of authorities.