Horrible Murder

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Lancaster News
Place of publication: Lancaster, South Carolina
Date of publication: Jun 20, 1855 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

bility as characterize the general South ern delegation. the State docket was not taken up till the A day or two at most, and the great second week of Court, and Wednesday body will have embarked in the war of was appointed as the day of trial, when angry words. The strife inevitable, and every one expected justice speedily to be must result in the entire excission of all administered. How great, then, were malcontents and factions from the body. the chagrin and disappointment of all The dividing question must be met, and to find that he was to be removed to the issue joined. Ye cannot serve God Green county, there to await his trial un- and Mammon. til October, at which time justice might again be thwarted. This was more than The Elijah Willis Case. even law abiding men could bear. Our readers will readily recall the cir A public meeting was called on Wed- cumstances of the case of Mr. Elijab Wil- nesday the 2nd May, and a resolution lis, of Barnwe!l District, who short time unanimously entered into, that the mur- ago fell dead as he was landing from the derer should be brought back to the boat in Cincinnati, for the purpose of lib- place where he committed the crime erating a mulatto woman who had lived and there burnt to death, on Friday, the 25th. with him as his wife, and her six children; that he had, about a year previous, exe- Accordingly about seven men went that cuted a will in Cincinnati, leaving to them same evening to Livingston, a distance of all his property in South Carolina, to the twenty-two miles, and carried another amount of some $150,000, and that this negro of Mr. Thornton’s with them, under will was placed in the hands of Messrs A. pretence of committing him to jail. It H. Ernest, Elward Harwood and John was night before this party arrived at Joliffe, whom he named as his executors, Livingston, and the Sheriff and Deputy with the power to dispose of his other were absent. The doors were soon open- property as they might think best. The ed to receive the supposed prisoner, and Editor of the Elisto (Orangeburg) Clarion the party, taking possession of the jail has lately paid a visit to Williston, in kers and doore, carried the negro Dave Barnwell District, where Mr. Willis resid- away with them, without committing any ed, and whence he writes to his paper violence or disturbance. follows, [Ch. Standard. On the day appointed, between one and In this vicinity it appears there is con- two o’clock, P.M., the prisoner was chain. siedrable excitement and interchange of ed to the stake over A large pile of dry- feeling and sentiments respecting the dis- wood and shavings, before a large con- positions which the late Elijah Willis course of some 2,000 or 2,500 persons of made of his property. Mr. Michael Wil- both white and black. He then made lis, brother of the deceased, and Mr. full confession of his crime and guilt, said James Willis, a nephew, have just re- that no other person was implicated with turned from Cincinnati, whither they had him, but that he alone WAS to blame. He repaired to ascertain the facts and partic- also told where he had hid the girl’s bon- ullars of the death ane Will of Elijah net, which had fallen off when he had Willis. They procured and brought back seized hole of her. with them a true copy of the Will, and Everything being ready, fire was ap- full reports of the particulars. We have plied to the wood and shavings, and not examined or seen the Will-but un- strange to say, while it was kindling he derstand that it was drawn up by that began to sing; but in a few more mo- notorious abolitionist and distinguished ments he was enveloped in flames, and lawyer of Ohio, Joliffe, and in accor with few shrieks died, having suffered dance with the council and advice of Hery the just penalty due to his brutal and Clay. The substance of this Will is, that fiendish erime.-Chester Standard. said Joliffe (he being the appointed exec- utor (shall sell the real and personal es- The Maine Liquor law furor is reacting tate of said Elijah, collect all debts due, with vengennee. In Illinois the anti- and coming to him, and invest the pro- prohibitionists have recently defeated their ceeds in real estate of Ohio, for the bene- opponents by a large majority. An anti prohibitionist mass meeting was held at fit of Amy and her children. Joliffe says Lancaster, Pa., on Sautrday. It was largely that he is determined to execute the Will attended. The delegation from Berks co to the very letter and spirit-an if neces- ty and the upper townships of Lancaster sary. will resort to the legal tribunal of county exceeded a mile in length. In the United States to justify his claim Massachusetts, R. Choate, Elias Merwin, and sanction his proceedings. The C.G. Loring and S. Bartlett, have delivered other two individuals (names forgotten) an opinion that the liquor law of that State mentioned in the Will, have positively is unconstitutional in its most important declined having anything to do with the provisions. The Maine lawites are unfor- affair, and wisely we opine. Joliffe, how- tunate in drafting their statutes. ever, is a High Priest among the Aboli- He has Enemies. tion, Freesoil, Mongrel Fanatics of Ohio- We never hear the remark made of his reputation is at stake, and he must man “That he has great many enemies,’ push matters as far as the rabid bellions without feeling desirous of his acquaint. can desire. If be recoils his name is ance. We are sure to find him. in many re- ined, his unsullied philanthropic charac- ru- spects, sterling character. A man who ter forever tarnished-th lustre of bis plods along, in the same track of his fore. former glories obscured the anathe. fathers- who never broke away from the mas of Abolitionism heaped upon his re traces expediency and error and who thinks and writes with the same pen and from the motest posterity. These considerations same model, that his grandfather used seldom weigh heavily with him, and therefore he if ever gains enemy. But he who thinks comes on in few weeks to erecute the for himself, something of a genius and diabolical Will of a man, whose better has talents of high order, is sure to judgement had forsaken him, who must find enemies at every corner. A truthful have been laboring under mental derange- paragraph that he has written -darling ment when this unjust, unreasonable and vices that he has denounced sense disgraceful instrument was concocted and even of his superiority over themselves consumated. Joliffe, a rank abolitionist, induce many to any severe things of him comes to Barnwell District, in the State of South Carolina, to carry into effect the When lived energetic, active, talented bring his good name into contempt. Will of a simple old man-which Will in man who had no enemies! Even perfection itself, in the life of Christ, was ridiculed. substance conflicts with the dearest princi- spoken against, abused, spit upon, cast ples and most cherished institutions of away! our already insulted and injured State. A man who has enemies need not relax his efforts; or presume that he is the worst Horrible Murder. person who ever lived. If he is upright in We are indebted to our kind friend, his dearings, kind and benevolent in his dis- Andrew Bigeam McKoown, of Intercourse, position, obliging and accommodating to all Sumter Co., Ala., for the following par- classes, he must have the approbation of ticulars of one of the most brutal and good conscience and his sleep will be re- freshing. shocking murders we have ever read of, which was perpetrated in that county on We would not give a farthing for the Sunday evening, the 29th April last. It to depraved appetites of the bad and man who has no enemies-who panders appears that as an only daughter of one tends to uncommon sanctity among the pre- re- James Thornton, aged about 14 years, of never denounced sin for tear was walking out alone, not far from the a from express himself a friend to vir. house, R negro man of Mr. T. seized her, tue, lest he be ridiculed. No-give the and putting one hand over her mouth, faithful individual who sustains the right carried her some considerable distance to when like H flood. Such at fearful odds and speaks out boldly, an unfrequented place, and there attempt- ed to accomplish the hellish purpose of man honored and approved by Heaven, violating her person. But her cries for and we always extend to him the right hand of fellowship. struck her a blow on the head with alarmed him, when he deliberately A CHEAP LUXURY. Weary traveler of an old stump, which knocked out part one was wending way through the mud, out of her eyes and deprived her of sense. in a west region of country, he discovered He then placed a stick across her throat ahead young maiden standing in the door and choaked her to death. This being of small log house. He rode up is front done, be took her some two hundred of house and asked the maiden for yards further, and, to make sure work, drink of water, drank it, and she being pressed the stick across throat a second the woman he had for several days, her “dime for a kiss.” The time, laid her in a drain of water, and maiden accepted the and received young both having procured a hoe, covered her over kiss and dime. The traveler was about to with green sed in such a manner as to his journey, but maiden never make any one believe that nothing WAS having seen dime, asked: “What bidden under night, however, with the dime)” “You may she was missed, and the alarm being way you wish,” he replied. “is given, the neighbors collected, and made diligent search and next morning she “I’ll give you back the dime and she “That being the case,” found. another kiss. Suspicion immediately rested on this Know Nothing Convention. negro, Davie, and he arrested, when PHILADREFHIA, June 34-Fifty-three be made a full confession of his guilt He out of eighty-toe delegates from twelve taken to Livingston Jail. where Court Free States from the Amer be held on the following Monday, lean Convention, account of the adop which was the first Monday in May. But tion of a national platform on the slavery question. bility as characterize the general South ern delegation. the State docket was not taken up till the A day or two at most, and the great second week of Court, and Wednesday body will have embarked in the war of was appointed as the day of trial, when angry words. The strife inevitable, and every one expected justice speedily to be must result in the entire excission of all administered. How great, then, were malcontents and factions from the body. the chagrin and disappointment of all The dividing question must be met, and to find that he was to be removed to the issue joined. Ye cannot serve God Green county, there to await his trial un- and Mammon. til October, at which time justice might again be thwarted. This was more than The Elijah Willis Case. even law abiding men could bear. Our readers will readily recall the cir A public meeting was called on Wed- cumstances of the case of Mr. Elijab Wil- nesday the 2nd May, and a resolution lis, of Barnwe!l District, who short time unanimously entered into, that the mur- ago fell dead as he was landing from the derer should be brought back to the boat in Cincinnati, for the purpose of lib- place where he committed the crime erating a mulatto woman who had lived and there burnt to death, on Friday, the 25th. with him as his wife, and her six children; that he had, about a year previous, exe- Accordingly about seven men went that cuted a will in Cincinnati, leaving to them same evening to Livingston, a distance of all his property in South Carolina, to the twenty-two miles, and carried another amount of some $150,000, and that this negro of Mr. Thornton’s with them, under will was placed in the hands of Messrs A. pretence of committing him to jail. It H. Ernest, Elward Harwood and John was night before this party arrived at Joliffe, whom he named as his executors, Livingston, and the Sheriff and Deputy with the power to dispose of his other were absent. The doors were soon open- property as they might think best. The ed to receive the supposed prisoner, and Editor of the Elisto (Orangeburg) Clarion the party, taking possession of the jail has lately paid a visit to Williston, in kers and doore, carried the negro Dave Barnwell District, where Mr. Willis resid- away with them, without committing any ed, and whence he writes to his paper violence or disturbance. follows, [Ch. Standard. On the day appointed, between one and In this vicinity it appears there is con- two o’clock, P.M., the prisoner was chain. siedrable excitement and interchange of ed to the stake over A large pile of dry- feeling and sentiments respecting the dis- wood and shavings, before a large con- positions which the late Elijah Willis course of some 2,000 or 2,500 persons of made of his property. Mr. Michael Wil- both white and black. He then made lis, brother of the deceased, and Mr. full confession of his crime and guilt, said James Willis, a nephew, have just re- that no other person was implicated with turned from Cincinnati, whither they had him, but that he alone WAS to blame. He repaired to ascertain the facts and partic- also told where he had hid the girl’s bon- ullars of the death ane Will of Elijah net, which had fallen off when he had Willis. They procured and brought back seized hole of her. with them a true copy of the Will, and Everything being ready, fire was ap- full reports of the particulars. We have plied to the wood and shavings, and not examined or seen the Will-but un- strange to say, while it was kindling he derstand that it was drawn up by that began to sing; but in a few more mo- notorious abolitionist and distinguished ments he was enveloped in flames, and lawyer of Ohio, Joliffe, and in accor with few shrieks died, having suffered dance with the council and advice of Hery the just penalty due to his brutal and Clay. The substance of this Will is, that fiendish erime.-Chester Standard. said Joliffe (he being the appointed exec- utor (shall sell the real and personal es- The Maine Liquor law furor is reacting tate of said Elijah, collect all debts due, with vengennee. In Illinois the anti- and coming to him, and invest the pro- prohibitionists have recently defeated their ceeds in real estate of Ohio, for the bene- opponents by a large majority. An anti prohibitionist mass meeting was held at fit of Amy and her children. Joliffe says Lancaster, Pa., on Sautrday. It was largely that he is determined to execute the Will attended. The delegation from Berks co to the very letter and spirit-an if neces- ty and the upper townships of Lancaster sary. will resort to the legal tribunal of county exceeded a mile in length. In the United States to justify his claim Massachusetts, R. Choate, Elias Merwin, and sanction his proceedings. The C.G. Loring and S. Bartlett, have delivered other two individuals (names forgotten) an opinion that the liquor law of that State mentioned in the Will, have positively is unconstitutional in its most important declined having anything to do with the provisions. The Maine lawites are unfor- affair, and wisely we opine. Joliffe, how- tunate in drafting their statutes. ever, is a High Priest among the Aboli- He has Enemies. tion, Freesoil, Mongrel Fanatics of Ohio- We never hear the remark made of his reputation is at stake, and he must man “That he has great many enemies,’ push matters as far as the rabid bellions without feeling desirous of his acquaint. can desire. If be recoils his name is ance. We are sure to find him. in many re- ined, his unsullied philanthropic charac- ru- spects, sterling character. A man who ter forever tarnished-th lustre of bis plods along, in the same track of his fore. former glories obscured the anathe. fathers- who never broke away from the mas of Abolitionism heaped upon his re traces expediency and error and who thinks and writes with the same pen and from the motest posterity. These considerations same model, that his grandfather used seldom weigh heavily with him, and therefore he if ever gains enemy. But he who thinks comes on in few weeks to erecute the for himself, something of a genius and diabolical Will of a man, whose better has talents of high order, is sure to judgement had forsaken him, who must find enemies at every corner. A truthful have been laboring under mental derange- paragraph that he has written -darling ment when this unjust, unreasonable and vices that he has denounced sense disgraceful instrument was concocted and even of his superiority over themselves consumated. Joliffe, a rank abolitionist, induce many to any severe things of him comes to Barnwell District, in the State of South Carolina, to carry into effect the When lived energetic, active, talented bring his good name into contempt. Will of a simple old man-which Will in man who had no enemies! Even perfection itself, in the life of Christ, was ridiculed. substance conflicts with the dearest princi- spoken against, abused, spit upon, cast ples and most cherished institutions of away! our already insulted and injured State. A man who has enemies need not relax his efforts; or presume that he is the worst Horrible Murder. person who ever lived. If he is upright in We are indebted to our kind friend, his dearings, kind and benevolent in his dis- Andrew Bigeam McKoown, of Intercourse, position, obliging and accommodating to all Sumter Co., Ala., for the following par- classes, he must have the approbation of ticulars of one of the most brutal and good conscience and his sleep will be re- freshing. shocking murders we have ever read of, which was perpetrated in that county on We would not give a farthing for the Sunday evening, the 29th April last. It to depraved appetites of the bad and man who has no enemies-who panders appears that as an only daughter of one tends to uncommon sanctity among the pre- re- James Thornton, aged about 14 years, of never denounced sin for tear was walking out alone, not far from the a from express himself a friend to vir. house, R negro man of Mr. T. seized her, tue, lest he be ridiculed. No-give the and putting one hand over her mouth, faithful individual who sustains the right carried her some considerable distance to when like H flood. Such at fearful odds and speaks out boldly, an unfrequented place, and there attempt- ed to accomplish the hellish purpose of man honored and approved by Heaven, violating her person. But her cries for and we always extend to him the right hand of fellowship. struck her a blow on the head with alarmed him, when he deliberately A CHEAP LUXURY. Weary traveler of an old stump, which knocked out part one was wending way through the mud, out of her eyes and deprived her of sense. in a west region of country, he discovered He then placed a stick across her throat ahead young maiden standing in the door and choaked her to death. This being of small log house. He rode up is front done, be took her some two hundred of house and asked the maiden for yards further, and, to make sure work, drink of water, drank it, and she being pressed the stick across throat a second the woman he had for several days, her “dime for a kiss.” The time, laid her in a drain of water, and maiden accepted the and received young both having procured a hoe, covered her over kiss and dime. The traveler was about to with green sed in such a manner as to his journey, but maiden never make any one believe that nothing WAS having seen dime, asked: “What bidden under night, however, with the dime)” “You may she was missed, and the alarm being way you wish,” he replied. “is given, the neighbors collected, and made diligent search and next morning she “I’ll give you back the dime and she “That being the case,” found. another kiss. Suspicion immediately rested on this Know Nothing Convention. negro, Davie, and he arrested, when PHILADREFHIA, June 34-Fifty-three be made a full confession of his guilt He out of eighty-toe delegates from twelve taken to Livingston Jail. where Court Free States from the Amer be held on the following Monday, lean Convention, account of the adop which was the first Monday in May. But tion of a national platform on the slavery question.