Killing in North Choctaw

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Choctaw Advocate
Place of publication: Butler, Alabama
Date of publication: 7/23/1919 0:00
Source URL: View Source

KILLING IN NORTH CHOCTAW. As we go to press we learn of an unfortunate affair which occurred near Jachin in north Choctaw, in which a white man was shot and killed by a negro, neither their names nor particulars made known to us. Two negroes, a man and woman, have been lodged in jail here, charged with having been implicated in the murder.

We learn later that the white man killed was Mr. Lum Springer, and his slayer is Monroe Edwards alias J. H. Monroe, who, in company with Alice Stewart, alias Georgie Pickens, the woman who took a “pop” at another white man, the bullet cutting his beard and burning his cheek, are recent comers to that section from Birmingham. The negro man in jail here is charged with harboring the slayer of Springer. We have been unable to learn the particulars that gave rise to the unfortunate affair. The murder was committed Monday, and besides the man and woman in jail here, Monroe was captured on the Sumter and Choctaw railroad yesterday morning by Mesars, Eatman, and Tidmore and lodged in the Sumter county jail at Livingston.