Mob Lynches Two Mobile Negroes

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Anniston Star
Place of publication: Anniston, AL
Date of publication: 10/6/1906

MOB LYNCHES TWO MOBILE NEORCES taken From Officers At Plateau -Mob Special to the 8 tar. – … MOBILE, Oct. 6. The negro rapists, Thompson anil Robinson, were taken from the officers at Plateau, five miles above mobile, and lynched Jtt noon to- lay. Mob Rule Predicted. Special to the Star. BIRMINGHAM, Oct. 8. The two ne groes who have been confined in the county jail since their arrival from Mobile were taken . bade to Mobile last night on the Southern train which left at 10 o’clock. The negroes were in charge of Sheriff John S. Powers, Deputy Sheriff Charles Green and G. J. Flournoy, city editor of the Mobile Item. In the course of an interview yoster- day Mr. Flournoy said that the pros pects of landing the prisoners safely in jail in Mobile were very doubtful, “Of course,” said he, “we will do our duty to the bent of our ability, but ‘ what chance would three men have against a mob of 3,000. “When the negro Will Thompson-! was arrested a month ago. public in ilignation was pretty badly worked up, and no doubt would have been hard to control if the prisoner bad remained in the city. He Was accused of having assaulted three young white girls be’ tweon the ages of 11 and 12 years. Scarcely hnl- the excitement over Thompson died down when Dick Rob inson, another negro, nssaulted a white girl aged 11. This brought matters to a climax, and a mob quickly formed to lynch the negro. In the mob Roy L. lloyle, a policeman, was shot and killed. ” Governor Jelks attended a meeting of the most influential citizens in Mo bile Thursday night, and be was as sured that the law would be allowed to take its course and that the military might be allowed to return home. In consequence the military left yesterday morning, and the city is left to the lo cal police and such of the citizens ar will volunteer to assist them in case of necessity. “It is fully two miles from the de pot to the jail, and it is between these points the danger is to be. feared. We ase due in Mobile about 7. o’clock Sat a ufday morning.” Sheriff Powers said: “T do not believe that without the military protection that has been de niml us that we stand any chance of getting our prisoners to Mobile and getting them tried. Even if we are suc-ceasful in reaching Mobile, Judge Semmes has declared that he will. not. hold – eorrrt under military protection, a, with thsTpeople feeling as tbey do, it is absolutely impossible for him to bold c,ourt i any other way, “If. he attempts it, it will surely mean that a mob will wreck the court house and take the prisoners. I propose to do everything lif my power to get the prisoners to the jail in Mobile in safety, but the chances are against me.


“Mob Lynches Two Mobile Negroes.” The Anniston Star (Anniston, AL), October 06, 1906.