n.t. (Rumor of Tuscaloosa Massacre in Northern Press)

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Independent Monitor
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, AL
Date of publication: Jul 12, 1869 11:00 pm

The following “sensation” is going the rounds of some of the Northern papers. “The battle” spoken of had escaped our memory, and we feel indebted to this veracious correspondent for the reminder: A correspondent of the Springfield Republican, writing from Alabama, expresses surprise that reports of disturbances in that State do not reach the Northern press. He says, that one Sunday, a short time ago, in the town of Tuskaloosa, a polite, or officious, darkey assisted a white lady into her carriage, and then proposed to accompany her home. This was too much for some of her friends. A quarrel ensued, in which a white man was killed, and then the affair broadened into a general riot. The battle was resumed a day or two afterward, and, in all, two white men and eight colored men were killed.