Negro Died After Confessing Crime

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Decatur Herald
Place of publication: Decatur , IL
Date of publication: 3/25/1907

NEGRO DIED AFTER CONFESSING CRIME. Tied to Tree and Executed by a Party of Sympathizers. Florence, Ala., March 24. The negro, Cleveland Harding, who attempted to assault Mrs. Ben F. Rice near here Friday and who was driven off by Mrs. Rice’s shepherd dog, was summarily executed today by his intended victim’s husband and some 300 sympathizers. Tied to a tree with his arms up, the negro was riddled with bullets, the first shot being fired by Rice. The negro was captured today. Mrs. Rice fully identified her assailant. Harding confessed, and seemed indifferent to his fate.


“Negro Died After Confessing Crime.” The Decatur Herald (Decatur, IL), March 25, 1907.