Rope is Being Stretched for Negro Hanging

Source Type: Other
Publisher: The Tuscaloosa News
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Date of publication: 7/11/1912 0:00

THE RIVER. The Tuecaloosa THE WEATHER. 16.40, falling. Wedneaday showers. Rainfall .04. Maximum 90; Minimum VOL. ALABAMA THURSDAY MORN., JULY PRICE FIVA CENTA. DISASTROUS LOCAL SILVER SPIKE MR. ROUTZAHN REPORTS HOLD-UP PROHIBITION FIRE YESTERDAY ARRANGES TRIPS TO BE DRIVEN STRETCHED FOR IN TUSCALOOSA AND ROBBERY PARTY HOLDS NEGRO HANGING THREATENS BLOCK SQUAD WILL REPRESENT AUGUST FIFTH TUSCALOOSA WILL DIE FAMOUS WORKER TUBERCULOS- EATMAN HAS EXPERIENCE ANNUAL MEET ON THE DIA FRANK RICHARDSON BY WHICH HE IS LOSER TO MOND THIS YEAR. JULY 19th., UNLESS GOVER- IS FIELD HOLDS SEVERAL EXTENT OF ABOUT $50. D’MERS COMMISSION CO., LOSE BIG BARBECUE AND OFFICIAL CHAIRMAN SCORE ROOS NOR RELENTS-ATTORNEY CONFERENCES $9000 TO $10,000 IN MID- The Tuscaloosa baseball club leav- CELEBRATION OF MINERAL IS BESEECHING GOVER- Mr. L. Eatman, young man EVELT, DEMOCRATF AND DAY CONFLAGRATION this morning for Eutaw where ROAD SET FOR THAT DAY NOR TO COMMUTE DELIVERS LECTURE AT the employ of the Central Iron OTHERS they will engage in series of games SENTENCE. UNIVERSITY LAST NIGHT. Coal Co., reported to the desk with the aggregation representing PRESSURE WEAK AT FIRST- MINERAL HAS LAID TRACK clerk at the note: eariy this morning SAYS TAFT is SERVANT TO LI- that place, one game will be played FIREMEN DO GOOD WORK. INTO THIS CITY Sherift Palmer has made the firat Talks to Colored People in Morn- that he had been assaulted and rob- QUOR A this afternoon, with double head- preliminary step towards the hanging Local Associa- tion Officera and Dia- sum of money between $50 GOOD MAN, HIS PARTY Friday. Returning to Tuscaloosa Several Merchants Heavily Plans Being Made for Celebration of Frank Richardaon, schoduled to Lose FAVORS INTERESTS. they go to Holt Saturday and meet When Ware Rooms to and Thousands of People Ex- come on at the county jail next Fri- cusses Christmas and $60 and jeweled watch, Next the Steelmakers of that thriving little pected to Be Present-Pid- day morning. The hemp rope has Seais, Etc. Eatman, in talking to reporter, Burned Building are Threat- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 10.- burg. Holt at present holds the title ened and Water la Turned nic Grounds Not Se- been purchased and now undergo- stated that he had como in to Tusca- sensational attack upon President to being the strongest amateur ball lected. ing the stretching process Mr. E, Routzahn, the well known 10082 on the six o’clock car on Them. night, `Theodore Roosevelt and the club in West Alabama, and the Tux jail. Tuberculosts expert of Chicago, who gome to his home on 15th atreet for caloosa boys are going to attempt olican and democratic parties in The first train to como into Tus- All plana are being formulated A disastrous fire yesterday after making trip through the state wrest these laurels from their neigh- supper and then returned to town; caloosa over the Mineral arrived yes- the hanging of Richardson, whose Teral, marked the beginning here noon totally destroyed the DeMers Alabama the interest of the Na- bors. that the Oak City man who only hope of life now lies with the jday of the eleventh prohibition con- Commission Agency, wreaked consid- Next Tuesday the local squad hite terday afternoon. It was special tional Tuberculosis Society Goernor, His attorney, Jas. Rice, ne did not know by name called vention. Clinton N. Howard, of erable damage on the adjoining store the long trail for a series of gamea direct from Birmingham. It consist- now in Montgomery in his behalf, the yesterday and held several and they started walking Rochester, temporary chairman rooms and their contents, and for with Blocton, réturning next Thurs- ed of an engine and special car not induced different dummy shed. He said of the convention, made speech time threatened the entire side day night and on Friday will enter- road which bullt the Mineral, ernor aside the Routzahn primarily asked him he didn’t the block. tain Holt on the University campua number of officials from the dierent bristling with denunciation of the the Tuscaloosa court. the promote inter- that he The fire started in the DeMers store for another game. departments of that road were liquor controlled old in of Seals, on the corner of Greensboro Avenue The game with Holt Friday week Board, making their first not piay the game. other He declared MONTGOMERY, nothing in the other fellow, Eatman and 4th Street, the cause of the fire will be the first one played in Tus- spection trip of the The way of real reform was to gained not known; Mr. DeMera stating caloosa by the local team and the train into Tuscaloosa far jumped him 19, for the murder of Tom from either of them, or from third that he thought flying spark from cals wish to advertise this game in Queen City Avenue where President knocking and Brown men, party dominated Hortou, by Colonel Roose advance that than half Joined the gentlemen states fighting compos- taking velt. G. engine had gone through so more fall, Frank Richardson, negro, broken window and started the dozen fans can make their arrange- ing the party. After short confer- ease. He making desperate before the “No other president since the foun- conflagration. When first noticed the ments to be on hand. ence the special hied its back in occurred governor for his life. His dation of this government,” declared lawyer, fire was about the center of the The Tuscaloosa boys will play Birmingham. Mr. Blair did not Tuscaloosa, Montgomery reported hotel Mr. Howard, “has surrendered more James Rice, is the bullding, but the contents of hay, eight games in nine days which give the of the gentlemen in where twelve and called in capitol beseeching Governor O’Neal abjectly to the liquor interests of this grain feedstuffs offered fine fuei very good for an amateur team. They the part; he stated, however, that and visit not being able to to commute the penalty to life nation than has William Howard im- deserve the encouragement of Tusca- officials of departments line visits without the name Taft. His record is too recent, famil- and soon the entire building was they prisonment. mass of flame. Added this, the loosa, and it is to be hoped that from the trunk line which oper- points. the persons or good description and odoriferous to require re- The state pardon board heard the smoke was very dense interfer- tronage will be bestowed on them the Mineral. At o’clock yesterday waited the arrival of the ate chief, who case the governor Tuesday and view this intelligent presence.” when they on the Diamond in To Drive Spike August 5th. held conference came and went with Eatman to ed great deal with the work of the two members of the board have Mr. Howard said it would be ree- their home city. The Silver Spike to be used in of- the colored people interested investigation. No arrests ommended commutation. Indica- criminal of time to argue that firemen. Mr. DeMers’ loss runs from $8000 to $10,000, partially covered by The team is fast one this year ficially connecting the Tuscaloosa fighting tuberculosis. He made night in the matter. the liquor traffic could be stamped tions, however, are that the governor excellent article Tuscaloosa goodly number of Eatman’s appearance last night out republican party, “by its insurance; other losers by the fire and they put up an Mineral Railroad with will let the law take its course. were Burchfield Bros., G. Wright of amateur ball. The com- will be driven Monday morning, Au- people whom he addressed that he had been through team silent platform. Its present and un- am not inclined to interfere and Henry Alston, who used the posed of Mills, catcher; McGee, 1st gust Gth., by young lady of Tus- ber of interesting facts or threshing machine. wound this case,” said the Wed- owrthy leadership, its long consist- governor opened buildings adjoining the Commission base; Pratt, 2nd base; Van de caloosa, yet to be selected. On that ion the fighting of Tubercu- the chin had vein ent liquor record and its present nesday, “but course, have not depot as store rooms. The loss Graaff, Hayes, 3rd base; Locke, day too will be given the big barbe- losis, methods to taken was rather bloody. Otherwise he concluded investigation. The monopoly nurtured candidate who ob my de- Bartee and Van de Graaff, pitch- planned as further celebration sure against becoming infected with said he felt no pain, but was tained his nomination at the hands these people has not been estimated fendant’s crime was intensified, when ers; Tillery, Creel and Connell out- of the opening of this road, dream the disease. He urged that they ceedingly anxious to meet up with the convention which Theodore as yet, being caused principally by after killing one man, he murdered lifted time flelders. of the ages now ganize and help each other the parties who his roll and Roosevelt declares ‘represents noth- water and breakage in handling member of the posse who try- The above announcement was giv- fight, has been shown that piece. ing but successful political and finan- merchandise which was removed to ing to arrest him.” the streets. out by President F. G. Blair of the colored race the percentage cial privilege,” and who more than SOUTHERN LEAGUE the (Mineral; he stated that plans deaths occasioned by this disease ADVERTISING UNIONTOWN any of his predecessors has become Alarm Turned In. FIRST DRAWING TAKES PLACE. were being made now for the cele- greater than any other. AND THE ALFALFA DISTRICT. the wet nurse for the saloon, The alarm was turned in shortly The the Turner RESULTS YESTERDAY. brating of the opening of the road At eleven o’clock conference with “And what better results can be after one o’clock, the department re- studio contest took place yesterday on that day. The “Spike” has been the special committee on seals, Messrs. R. P. Greer, editor of the expected from the democratic party? sponding quickly. The water pres- Montgomery 0; Chattanooga afternoon, the lucky number being sure at the time was very low, but Birmingham-Atlanta Rain. ordered,and the company is preparing 2498, held by Miss Minnie Creagh, held, and Mr. Routzahn explain- Canebrake Herald and J. B. Mackey, only as little but less than noth- to get out the badges, etc., to the in which the National Jeweler and optician, and R. L. Bon- ing Exactly the same influ- this was quickly remedied. A num- New Orleans-Nashville Rain. of the Bryce Hospital, and she used on that day. The selection of State organizations were handling durant, planter, all of Uniontown, ences that poisoned the republican ber of streams of hose were immedi- not Scheduled. receive the one dozen photographs the young lady to christen the road these. Ala., called at the Times-Gazette of- party at Chicago were in control at ately turned on the buildings and for fered. by driving the “Spike” has not been past four o’clock fice yesterday en route from their Baltimore.” an hour or more the firemen battled IN July The drawings this unique con with the smoke and flames, finally determined on as yet; she will, how- dressed the board of directors of the home town to Cincinnati, Ohio. The temporary chairman said that The score: test will placé every ten ever, be according to President Blair, local association along with the Wo- These gentlemen are making the while Governor Wilson was known as conquering it with the loss of but one Montgomery and all receive tickets building, that of the DeMers Commis- member of the “Rosebud Set” and committee anti-tuberculos trip to the Queen City of the West “good the prohibitionists Chattanooga ed to bring them in for the the announcement of her name and Mr. Routzahn gave some excellent Motorcycles and on their journey “are not here to elect good man, sion Co. The smoke hung in dense and Gribbens; ing on July. her maids will be made later. the future steps to distributing information as but to kill the liquor traffic.” pall over the streets and on this ac- More and Hannah. Umpires Pfen- A Gala Event. barbecue grounds, organization. He urg- Uniontown and the Alfalfa District After severely criticising the demo- count the firemen could not get into ninger and Hart. The opening of the Mineral to traf- throughout the schedule ed that not try to surrounding it. Their folder is cratic house of representaties for its the burning building, turning their attention to the other stores which fic will be gala event in Tusca- from tablish fresh camp right at its tractively gotten up, gives the loca- failure enact legislation prohibit- IN ATLAINTA, July loosa. In addition to the driving Mr. Blair stated that beginning the burden might prove tion of Uniontown, its population, ing the shipment of liquor into pro- were thought to be in danger. Atlanta-Birmingham game post great deal of crockery and glass ware the last spike on that day, the Board time for Tuscaloosa to gat too and the cause would health matters, conveniences, busi- hibition territory in the South, Chair- poned account of rain. belonging to Mr. G. B. Wright and of Trade will give big barbecue interest herself in the barlocue. injured. great deal and other live facts connected Howard turned his guns upon Board visiting nurse with growing town. Rallroads, Colonel Roosevelt. stored in one of the rooms was brok- the peoople of the Northern and East- was, he said, the plan of the IN NASHVILLE, July en in handling; the feedstuff and oth- ern end of Tuscaloosa county and of Trade to give the barbecue and cited where prom- highways, agricultural facts, etc. “How about the progressive party New Orleans-Nashville game post- part of Jefferson county. the invited guests, man kept one, and their journey they will dessiminate he promised?’. he asked. “We al- er merchandise belonging to Burch- poned account of rain. facts to Uniontown and boost ready have two whiskey parties and Mr. Blair stated that the place for neighbors and that Tuscaloosa more for the prevention the field Bros., was damaged to some ex- holding the barbecue had not been bestir herself to mete out sickness in his family than for any that thriving little south Alabama do not need another. From the stand- tent by the water and smoke while IN MEMPHIS, July 10.– number of big plate glass windows in selected but would be either on sort of hospitality. might then exist, metropolis. point of the prohibitionist, by his re- MobilewMemphis not scheduled to Mineral Progressing. o’clock night he ad- The gentlemen were enthusiastic cord, public utterances and confess the buildings were smashed. the Lawn in front of the play today. Attention was again given the De- Hospital, Guids Woods or the The track layers of the dressed general assemblage of peo- over their and talked pleasant- personal habits, he is the least University Woods. The Board right in Tuscaloosa, and the University. He was greet- their experiences. They left desirable of them all, Mers building, and about three HOME DEPARTMENT MEETING. Uniontown Monday and expect to be “Posing as the “Thou shalt not clock the flames had been subdued Trade will especially invite all peo- be at the passenger terminus of audience and deliver- and it was possible to enter the ple from the territory traversed by road. night the gangs knocked excellent talk on the subject. in Cincinnati in two weeks, steal’ candidate because his partisans A meeting of the teachers building. Everything was ruined eith- the Mineral and will serve them off work at 21st Avenue, just west He illustrated his talk with diagrams, were not preferred over President few friends of the home department of the building. and gave number of valuable A CONFEDERATE Taft’s in the convention, he brazenly er by the flames or water; the roof barbecue that will go down in his- A. This of the First Methodist Sunday school had fallen in and in one or two tory. Mr. Blair stated that an Agent gang is first of two or three, they pointers as to the handling of tuber- VETERAN PASSES AWAY. boasts that he stole the Isthmus of will meet at the home of Mrs. Ken- places the floor had been burned would be sent out through the ter- are placing the rails and spiking culosis. He told of the ways in which Panama from Columbia and ‘let con- dig at on Thursday, the pointers The death of Mr. W. z. Jones, Sr. gress debate about it afterward.’ through. The loss falls very heavily ritory through which the Mineral them to the ties; the gangs follow- might be taken and gave 11th., inst. on Mr. DeMers. In addition to his runs and would give badges to those ing are straightening the track, the prevention. His address occurred yesterday afternoon at half “If the Chicago convention played PROGRAM. stock he had about $2000 to $25000 who expected to come here on that ting in the necessary ties make was thoroughly interesting and in- past four o’clock at his home in the same trick, they got the cue from 1. Devotional services led by Mrs. address he Shadydale after illness extending him. His title to the Panama strip worth of fixtures in the building, his day. This badge will act as an offic- the line permanent and otherwise fix- structive. After the met an Walter Seed. ial pass over the Mineral line, it be- ing up the number of those present. over several months. was good as the stolen Taft cre- stock on hand at the time represent- 2.Song. ing from $6000 to $8000. The insur- ing free excursion which will be Ballast Road Next. Mr. Routzahn leaves this morning Mr. Jones was seventy seven years dentials in the hands of boss-made Treasurers’ Reports will probably cover the stock. run from Adger, Ala., over the Jef- In connection with the operation for Birmingham. of age, having been born at Sparta, delegates and no better, Solo: Mrs. We Flames Break Out Again. ferson line to Tuscaloosa, Oth- of trains over the Mineral, Mr. Blair Tenn., in 1835. He moved to Tusca- “Stealing is stealing, Mr. Roosevelt. county Meet on the Beautiful spent When you taught that the justi- er details will be made known lat- stated yesterday that the trains of FIDDLERS CONVENTION loosa in 1859 where he has About four o’clock the store next H. Specks. necessity would not be operated on AT TONIGHT. long and useful life. He was one fied the means, you gave every thief to the DeMers building burst forth er. Reading: “The Lost Child”- in flame: and the firemen were again Operate Road Himself. fast time first as the roadbed the oldest and most revered citizens passport to heaven. Mrs. Perkins. Fiddlers Convention which in the city and had host of warm “And to think of Billy Flinn, the called on to extinguish this blaze On August 5th., Mr. Blair will would have be heavily ballasted The “.”Home, the Birthplace of Des- to allow of operating fast trains. He was to have been given at the friends who will grieve over vice protector and promoter of Pitts which in few minutes. have charge of the operating depart- Dan Collier. This was in the ceiling of the build- ment of the Mineral, after that date stated that by the end of the year, last Friday night, called off death. burgh, and Timothy Woodruff, of The Study of the Scriptures Nec- builders the road will take thefe would doubtless be account of rain, will be given tonight Mr. Jones loyal Confederate Brooklyn, masquerading as Roosevelt ing and some speculation was indulg- the of essary to Christian Growth and De- ed in as to how it caught, there be- charge and the regular schedule will in and out of Tuscaloosa that place. Veteran and consistent and conse “progressives!” What hope is there once velopment-Mrs Powers, be taken up. Mr. Blair on that day day at least. The trains as has been Twenty-five per cent of the pro- crated member the Methodist for reform in America at such un- ing a three foot brick wall separat Reading: Miss Minnie Lou Da- ing the two buildings. The damage will have entire charge of the road known long time will operate ceeds go to the Association. Ad- church clean hands? Absolutely none.” vis. Subject: “Grannie’s Trust.” the into the terminal in Birming mission 15 and 25 cents. He is survived by his wife and two here was very slight. and will so order the the Home Department worth running of Large Crowd Out. srecial trains. He stated yesterday The route little children, Mrs. Ophelia Duncan and VETERANS ATTENTION. longer While?” If not, why not? The fire was the means of drawing that the excursion would run from than the by reason of the NOTICE. Mr. W. z. Jones, both of this city, 10. Song by Class. large crowd of eager spectators to Adger to the Mineral terminals fact that the Mineral is making beside number of grandchildren and All members of Camp Rodes Con- 11. Benediction by Rev. A. Da- the heart Tuscaloosa. That out to reach Searles. have been no Internal Reve- large family connection. federate Veterans are requested to the scene, but for time very of vis. were able to get close to the main official celebration of the opening of and curvature Licenses for selling liquor issued The funeral services will be held meet at the Methodist Church this af- MRS. S. D. McGEE, President conflagration on account of road by driving the last when properly any person in Tuscaloosa county Thursday afternoon at five o’elock ternoon at five o’elock to attend the the heavy Mrs. MINNTE GORDON, Secretary. church and funeral Comrade Jones. smoke. would be witnessed by the visitors lasted will allow of the operation during month of June, 1912. from the First Methodist of Late every vestige and no further trouble was to Tuscaloosa, after which the fast trains are run in C. PALMER, interment will be made in Evergreen PRINCE, flame had been subdued by the would carry the guests back of Sheriff. cemetery. Commander. THE RIVER. The Tuecaloosa THE WEATHER. 16.40, falling. Wedneaday showers. Rainfall .04. Maximum 90; Minimum VOL. ALABAMA THURSDAY MORN., JULY PRICE FIVA CENTA. DISASTROUS LOCAL SILVER SPIKE MR. ROUTZAHN REPORTS HOLD-UP PROHIBITION FIRE YESTERDAY ARRANGES TRIPS TO BE DRIVEN STRETCHED FOR IN TUSCALOOSA AND ROBBERY PARTY HOLDS NEGRO HANGING THREATENS BLOCK SQUAD WILL REPRESENT AUGUST FIFTH TUSCALOOSA WILL DIE FAMOUS WORKER TUBERCULOS- EATMAN HAS EXPERIENCE ANNUAL MEET ON THE DIA FRANK RICHARDSON BY WHICH HE IS LOSER TO MOND THIS YEAR. JULY 19th., UNLESS GOVER- IS FIELD HOLDS SEVERAL EXTENT OF ABOUT $50. D’MERS COMMISSION CO., LOSE BIG BARBECUE AND OFFICIAL CHAIRMAN SCORE ROOS NOR RELENTS-ATTORNEY CONFERENCES $9000 TO $10,000 IN MID- The Tuscaloosa baseball club leav- CELEBRATION OF MINERAL IS BESEECHING GOVER- Mr. L. Eatman, young man EVELT, DEMOCRATF AND DAY CONFLAGRATION this morning for Eutaw where ROAD SET FOR THAT DAY NOR TO COMMUTE DELIVERS LECTURE AT the employ of the Central Iron OTHERS they will engage in series of games SENTENCE. UNIVERSITY LAST NIGHT. Coal Co., reported to the desk with the aggregation representing PRESSURE WEAK AT FIRST- MINERAL HAS LAID TRACK clerk at the note: eariy this morning SAYS TAFT is SERVANT TO LI- that place, one game will be played FIREMEN DO GOOD WORK. INTO THIS CITY Sherift Palmer has made the firat Talks to Colored People in Morn- that he had been assaulted and rob- QUOR A this afternoon, with double head- preliminary step towards the hanging Local Associa- tion Officera and Dia- sum of money between $50 GOOD MAN, HIS PARTY Friday. Returning to Tuscaloosa Several Merchants Heavily Plans Being Made for Celebration of Frank Richardaon, schoduled to Lose FAVORS INTERESTS. they go to Holt Saturday and meet When Ware Rooms to and Thousands of People Ex- come on at the county jail next Fri- cusses Christmas and $60 and jeweled watch, Next the Steelmakers of that thriving little pected to Be Present-Pid- day morning. The hemp rope has Seais, Etc. Eatman, in talking to reporter, Burned Building are Threat- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 10.- burg. Holt at present holds the title ened and Water la Turned nic Grounds Not Se- been purchased and now undergo- stated that he had como in to Tusca- sensational attack upon President to being the strongest amateur ball lected. ing the stretching process Mr. E, Routzahn, the well known 10082 on the six o’clock car on Them. night, `Theodore Roosevelt and the club in West Alabama, and the Tux jail. Tuberculosts expert of Chicago, who gome to his home on 15th atreet for caloosa boys are going to attempt olican and democratic parties in The first train to como into Tus- All plana are being formulated A disastrous fire yesterday after making trip through the state wrest these laurels from their neigh- supper and then returned to town; caloosa over the Mineral arrived yes- the hanging of Richardson, whose Teral, marked the beginning here noon totally destroyed the DeMers Alabama the interest of the Na- bors. that the Oak City man who only hope of life now lies with the jday of the eleventh prohibition con- Commission Agency, wreaked consid- Next Tuesday the local squad hite terday afternoon. It was special tional Tuberculosis Society Goernor, His attorney, Jas. Rice, ne did not know by name called vention. Clinton N. Howard, of erable damage on the adjoining store the long trail for a series of gamea direct from Birmingham. It consist- now in Montgomery in his behalf, the yesterday and held several and they started walking Rochester, temporary chairman rooms and their contents, and for with Blocton, réturning next Thurs- ed of an engine and special car not induced different dummy shed. He said of the convention, made speech time threatened the entire side day night and on Friday will enter- road which bullt the Mineral, ernor aside the Routzahn primarily asked him he didn’t the block. tain Holt on the University campua number of officials from the dierent bristling with denunciation of the the Tuscaloosa court. the promote inter- that he The fire started in the DeMers store for another game. departments of that road were liquor controlled old in of Seals, on the corner of Greensboro Avenue The game with Holt Friday week Board, making their first not piay the game. other He declared MONTGOMERY, nothing in the other fellow, Eatman and 4th Street, the cause of the fire will be the first one played in Tus- spection trip of the The way of real reform was to gained not known; Mr. DeMera stating caloosa by the local team and the train into Tuscaloosa far jumped him 19, for the murder of Tom from either of them, or from third that he thought flying spark from cals wish to advertise this game in Queen City Avenue where President knocking and Brown men, party dominated Hortou, by Colonel Roose advance that than half Joined the gentlemen states fighting compos- taking velt. G. engine had gone through so more fall, Frank Richardson, negro, broken window and started the dozen fans can make their arrange- ing the party. After short confer- ease. He making desperate before the “No other president since the foun- conflagration. When first noticed the ments to be on hand. ence the special hied its back in occurred governor for his life. His dation of this government,” declared lawyer, fire was about the center of the The Tuscaloosa boys will play Birmingham. Mr. Blair did not Tuscaloosa, Montgomery reported hotel Mr. Howard, “has surrendered more James Rice, is the bullding, but the contents of hay, eight games in nine days which give the of the gentlemen in where twelve and called in capitol beseeching Governor O’Neal abjectly to the liquor interests of this grain feedstuffs offered fine fuei very good for an amateur team. They the part; he stated, however, that and visit not being able to to commute the penalty to life nation than has William Howard im- deserve the encouragement of Tusca- officials of departments line visits without the name Taft. His record is too recent, famil- and soon the entire building was they prisonment. mass of flame. Added this, the loosa, and it is to be hoped that from the trunk line which oper- points. the persons or good description and odoriferous to require re- The state pardon board heard the smoke was very dense interfer- tronage will be bestowed on them the Mineral. At o’clock yesterday waited the arrival of the ate chief, who case the governor Tuesday and view this intelligent presence.” when they on the Diamond in To Drive Spike August 5th. held conference came and went with Eatman to ed great deal with the work of the two members of the board have Mr. Howard said it would be ree- their home city. The Silver Spike to be used in of- the colored people interested investigation. No arrests ommended commutation. Indica- criminal of time to argue that firemen. Mr. DeMers’ loss runs from $8000 to $10,000, partially covered by The team is fast one this year ficially connecting the Tuscaloosa fighting tuberculosis. He made night in the matter. the liquor traffic could be stamped tions, however, are that the governor excellent article Tuscaloosa goodly number of Eatman’s appearance last night out republican party, “by its insurance; other losers by the fire and they put up an Mineral Railroad with will let the law take its course. were Burchfield Bros., G. Wright of amateur ball. The com- will be driven Monday morning, Au- people whom he addressed that he had been through team silent platform. Its present and un- am not inclined to interfere and Henry Alston, who used the posed of Mills, catcher; McGee, 1st gust Gth., by young lady of Tus- ber of interesting facts or threshing machine. wound this case,” said the Wed- owrthy leadership, its long consist- governor opened buildings adjoining the Commission base; Pratt, 2nd base; Van de caloosa, yet to be selected. On that ion the fighting of Tubercu- the chin had vein ent liquor record and its present nesday, “but course, have not depot as store rooms. The loss Graaff, Hayes, 3rd base; Locke, day too will be given the big barbe- losis, methods to taken was rather bloody. Otherwise he concluded investigation. The monopoly nurtured candidate who ob my de- Bartee and Van de Graaff, pitch- planned as further celebration sure against becoming infected with said he felt no pain, but was tained his nomination at the hands these people has not been estimated fendant’s crime was intensified, when ers; Tillery, Creel and Connell out- of the opening of this road, dream the disease. He urged that they ceedingly anxious to meet up with the convention which Theodore as yet, being caused principally by after killing one man, he murdered lifted time flelders. of the ages now ganize and help each other the parties who his roll and Roosevelt declares ‘represents noth- water and breakage in handling member of the posse who try- The above announcement was giv- fight, has been shown that piece. ing but successful political and finan- merchandise which was removed to ing to arrest him.” the streets. out by President F. G. Blair of the colored race the percentage cial privilege,” and who more than SOUTHERN LEAGUE the (Mineral; he stated that plans deaths occasioned by this disease ADVERTISING UNIONTOWN any of his predecessors has become Alarm Turned In. FIRST DRAWING TAKES PLACE. were being made now for the cele- greater than any other. AND THE ALFALFA DISTRICT. the wet nurse for the saloon, The alarm was turned in shortly The the Turner RESULTS YESTERDAY. brating of the opening of the road At eleven o’clock conference with “And what better results can be after one o’clock, the department re- studio contest took place yesterday on that day. The “Spike” has been the special committee on seals, Messrs. R. P. Greer, editor of the expected from the democratic party? sponding quickly. The water pres- Montgomery 0; Chattanooga afternoon, the lucky number being sure at the time was very low, but Birmingham-Atlanta Rain. ordered,and the company is preparing 2498, held by Miss Minnie Creagh, held, and Mr. Routzahn explain- Canebrake Herald and J. B. Mackey, only as little but less than noth- to get out the badges, etc., to the in which the National Jeweler and optician, and R. L. Bon- ing Exactly the same influ- this was quickly remedied. A num- New Orleans-Nashville Rain. of the Bryce Hospital, and she used on that day. The selection of State organizations were handling durant, planter, all of Uniontown, ences that poisoned the republican ber of streams of hose were immedi- not Scheduled. receive the one dozen photographs the young lady to christen the road these. Ala., called at the Times-Gazette of- party at Chicago were in control at ately turned on the buildings and for fered. by driving the “Spike” has not been past four o’clock fice yesterday en route from their Baltimore.” an hour or more the firemen battled IN July The drawings this unique con with the smoke and flames, finally determined on as yet; she will, how- dressed the board of directors of the home town to Cincinnati, Ohio. The temporary chairm