Shot for his Pains

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Nashville American
Place of publication: Nashville, TN
Date of publication: 1898

BIRMINGHAM, July 15.—(Special.)—A mob of white men went to the house of John Durrett, colored, at Coaling, last night to arrest the negro. He had been trying to arouse the blacks against those whites for the lynching of Sidney Johnson, a colored rapist, the day before. Durrett had been mouthing about the murder and saying what he was going to do. When Durrett was ordered to come from his house he cursed the posse and tried to escape in his night garments out of a back window. He had not gone fifty yards before he was shot twenty times. He died this afternoon. Relations between the whites and blacks have been strained, but the summary treatment of Durrett has quieted things.


(1898, July 16). Shot For His Pains. The Nashville American.