SURPRISED THE GAY GAMBLERS: Judge Falligant After the Policy Men in Savannah

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Atlanta Constitution
Place of publication: Atlanta, GA
Date of publication: August 14, 1900

Surprised The Gay Gamblers
Judge Falligant After the Policy Men in Savannah
Savannah, GA., August 13. –(Special.)-
Judge Robert Falligant gave the gambling fraternity a shock today when he sentenced two of them to pay a fine of $1,000 each and spend six months in Chatham county jail. They were Frank Fulton and W. M. Henterson, both old offenders, and both are said to have boasted that nothing would be done with them beyond a fine. The men pleaded guilty today of running a policy lottery, and as they have pleaded guilty to the same offense several times before, Judge Falligant practically doubled the sentence. They had expected to get off with the $1,000 fine. Every effort was made in behalf of the men to have the jail sentence taken off, but so far without success.
Another policy lottery man, L. J. Hodges, who was up for the first time, was sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000. He paid the fine and was glad to get off so light. He says he will quit the business,
Seaborn Hayes, Joe Floyd and James Blige were indicted by the grand jury today as principals in the murder of Lucius Vernadoe, a streetcar motorman. Two other negroes who had afforded them shelter and protection, were indicted as accessories. The trials of these negroes will take place as soon as the court can arrange for them.


Surprised The Gay Gamblers: Judge Falligant After the Policy Men in Savannah. (1900, August 14). The Atlanta Constitution, pp. 2.