The Midnight Riders

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Tuskaloosa Gazette
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, AL
Date of publication: Dec 19, 1889 12:00 am
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THE MIDNIGHT RIDERS. In Sunday’s GAZETTE we gave a full account of the midnight ride of two daring desperadoes on an engine stolen fro.n the A. G. 8. depot in this city. Since that time Sid Monore, one of the parties to the bold game, has been arrested and placed in jail in this city. The man most wanted, however, is Ed Thompson, formerly of Cottondale. He is supposed to have been the leader in the bold undertaking, and police are now in pursuit of him and will, in all probability, capture him ere long. Moore was captured at Cottondale by Sheriff King and his deputies Sun- day, and was at once sent down here, where he was placed in jail. He claims that be was forced by Thompson at the point of a pistol to get on the engine and take the ride, and that he jumped off at the first opportunity. That statement, however, goes for what it is worth. Both Thompson and Moore were about town all day Friday, and that night, a short time before the engine was taken from the yard, they both went into the depot and asked particularly in regard to the trains. Thompson stating with an oath that he proposed to go to Cottondale, and that he did not intend to walk. This combined with other circumstance# led to the belief that they were the guilty parties, and pursuit was made for them at once. It was rumored yesterday that Thompson, too, had been caught, but up to the time that we go to press nothing definite has been heard confirming that report.