“The Sentimental Mail”

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Weekly State Journal
Place of publication: Montgomery, Alabama
Date of publication: May 14, 1869 11:50 pm

TUSKALOOSA, ALA, May 5, 1869. To His Excellency William H. Smith, Governor of Alabama: You have no doubt heard of the recent lamentable occurrences here, resulting in the death of several persons by violence. The whole community deplore that such things should happen, injuring as they do, the good name of the county and of the State. Since the above was written my old friend Dalton, your Secretary, and Maj. Miller, Secretary of State, have arrived. There are strong reasons to believe that their visit is very opportune, and that between them and our good citizens some plan will be arranged by which lawlessness will be arrested, and future troubles prevented.