Was Nearly Lynched Now a Free Man

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Plaindealer
Place of publication: Kansas City, Kansas
Date of publication: 6/1/1934 0:00
Source URL: View Source

WAS NEARLY LYNCHED- NOW A FHEE MAN Ala. June ((ANP)- Announcement – made fast Thursday by District Solicitor Edward De Graffenreld that the case against Elmer “Money” Clark had been noile pressed and that Clark, freed of charges had probably left the state of Alabama. Thus came to a drab conclusion one of the “sorries t” episodes in Alabama court history. On the second of August. last year, a white girl, living in the country, was attacked and killed. Blame was placed on a negro. These colored boys ware Dan Jr., A. T. Hardin and Elmore Clark. The boys denied their guilt and a subsequent investigation by officials of the Southern Commission on Lynching practically established their innocence. Soon after the boys were taken in custody, the International Labor Defense, already busy with the Scottsboro boys, sought to intercede with counsel for these boys. Late in August, the bys were illegally taken from jail after midnight, and started to Jefferson county. On the way, the deputies who had them in charge were met by a mob which took the prisoners from them, carried hem to the woods and shot all three down. Two were killed. while Clark, badly wounded managed to escape.