Week-End Chats

Source Type: Other
Publisher: Plaindealer
Place of publication: Kansas City, Kansas
Date of publication: 10/20/1933 0:00
Source URL: View Source

WEEK-END CHATS: BY de. THEY STILL A group of savages raided Anne, Md. and took another negro for ride the George who accused reported that men, women and of a white woman, childres atermed the county Jell and took charge of the prispner, hanged him to (ree, stripped him of part of – etothing. attached . repe around moter ear through the main street si and pulled Mim behind the attle town. GOVERNON WOULD NOT wove THEE IN FACK or LYNCH AUMORS 6 The occurred ment to the home of Judge Rebert ” Duer, wille had attempted to dissuade the crowd, The crowd, apparantly at the jedge’s went to the judge’s home but moyed to the borted house when they were unable to tree autricienty large. After they had the Negvo to the aquare and burned him, the mob members disbanded, The tynching followed an atternoon to which rumore gained atate-widé circulation that mob was forming. Governor Albert c. talied to Judge Duer and the state’s after- may and wM semired by them that there would be – dirneaty. After this, the governor isqued . atatement wying be would not have the Negre removed. Laiten the governor and be had beea advieed by Cagt. Roward John – head of the atate police, that it would be dangerous to remove hdm. Captain Johnaon carty in the day aug- greited, howaver, that the Negro be Taken to Baltimore it la indeed . avas reflection on American eutture for human beinge to break down the doors of . jall and take . mas out who according to the lew la of the erime charged againet him until he has beea proven Already the total number of nehings – jumped up to as which le the largeat number in the past five years. with the of Anmwood there have beea . within . ahort apace of two montha October Benale Thompeea of Bouth Carolina faced hia cruel hour before mob. WILLARD, Ne, Auguet 27, Dee Rogers, shot to death la hia home. He wounded white woman. PANAMA crry, FLA., Reptember 2. Paul Orthey, Body viddled and burned for threateuleg to – . sher- MINTER errv. Misa., Beptember 18, Richard Shot to body dragged through elty by auto and left before home – ware to other Negroea He fought with & hite man who atarted the quarrei, ALABAMA ITS PART WEC TUSCALOOBA, Ala September 24, Dennta Cross. Shot to deata by mob who entered his home poelng – off. cera. He was under band on charges preterred by white woman. OPELOUSAB, Als, Reptember 23, John White taken from ahoriff and shot to death. He the accused of at- tempted attack on white woman. -WEC- WILL THE FEDERAL GOVERN- MENT EVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT ITT — IT le about time that the Federal Government should de acmething about America’a ‘past Ume. The de- partment. of justied is working on gangeters and tome of the other more Important erimes bet – far – know nothing has been waid about bynchinga. The Federal Government must atep in and atop this evil which is the biggest eire to any nation. There te no justification for men lys. ching people, Even la the face o fithe crime under the aun. human belage are entitied to trial, Arm- yood did mot trial. He – dead and will remain dead. -wac- – AM very grateful to one of my fellow co-workere for conducting my column last week while – was vacai- lag in the esst. must confess that got lasy en the job afer walking over – fali grounde at the world fair. But am back and It will the long time before – take another vacation unicas eld man changes Ma plane, * have tot to chat about from ebeer. vations pleked up on my ahort trip and – am aure the readere of this column enjoy the 1 the from the many letter that – re- ceive