Will Thompson Not Brought in Yet

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Birmingham News
Place of publication: Birmingham, AL
Date of publication: 8/30/1906

WILL THOMPSON NOT BROUGHT IN YtT o’clock this afternoon Deputy Sheriff Powers of Mobile county, who left Mobile last night with Will Thompson, the negro whom a mob wanted to lynch, had not arrived at either the city or the county jail. .The report from Mobile was to the effect that the deputy with the prisoner was Up to -.30 headed fer Birmingham and it was stat- (hat they would arrive here on the northbound Louisville & Nashville Railroad train shortly before noon. Chief of Police Wler expressed the opinion that the deputy with his prisoner stopped Ht Montgomery. As announced In the dispatches from Mobile, Thompson is charged with assaulting two little white girls and one negro girl.


“Will Thompson Not Brought in Yet.” The Birmingham News (Birmingham, AL), August 30, 1906.