A Desperate Character.

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Alabama State Journal
Place of publication: Montgomery, Alabama
Date of publication: Aug 6, 1869 11:50 pm

I A Desperate Character. The Tusknloosa Obserrer, of the 31st ult., gives the following account of the exploits of a de-perado in that vicinity : A man named Wm. Lovejoy, aguinst whom an indietment has been peudi g in our Circuit Court, finding that he was about to be arrested : esterdav, by Jesse Mayberry, resisted to the exteut of filing upon Mayberry with a double- barr. 1 shot gun. Missing his “im, he immediately put spurs to the fine animal upou which he was mounted, and was suon out of town. A sheriff’s posse was at oncesum- moued, and pursuit commenced. He was overtaken by one of the posse. near the Marr plantation, 7 miles below Tus kaloosa, and whitst making for the eane- brake, close by, nas fired upon. When at the edge of the eane, he slipped from his hors, and made his way in, out of sight. Whether wounded or not, IS un- kuown, as he is st Il at large. No sup- port being at hand to follow him furtlier, the horse was captured by the pursuer and brought to town. It is reported that Lovejoy, on his es cape from town, stopped at the Collier Place, three miles distaut, and took from his work a negro by the name of Tom Marr, forced him to go to the woods, where he shot him with a pistol and left, doubtless supp sing him to be dead. The negin, ihough severely wounded, was not killed. The cause for this outrage we do not know Since writing the above, and on the eve of going to press, we hear that Love- joy crossed the river, procured another borse, which also WAS captured from him -he himself escoping. At this writing, pursuit is being prose- cuted with all possible vigilance.