A Negro Lynched

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Weekly Advertiser
Place of publication: Montgomery, AL
Date of publication: 4/3/1890
Source URL: View Source

: A xNl’GUO LYNCHED. H , FRANK GRIFFlNnSWINGS FOR A HEIN- OUS CRIME AT STANTON. The Official Count at Seltna A Big; Case at ‘i Mobile Other News from Other Plaoo. ; Birmingham, Maroh 29. Spcial. Last Wednesday morning while two little ‘ white girls, the daughters of Oporgo- Moore and Miles Lally, wera on their way to school a short distance from .Stanton, Ala., in the ocmulgee neighborhood, they were waylaid and both were outraged by Frank Griffin a negro man. J, The negro escaped and was not captured until last night near the – Cahaba river. no was brought back to the scene of his crime and placed under guard. During the night a mob of armed men in disguise overpowered the guards, took Frank to a dogwood tree and hanged him. The negro made a full confession just before he was tied up, and a volley of buokshot was poured into him as he was swung. The children he assaulted were aged 9 and i years respectively. The younger is thought to have been fatally injured.-, “”-4 ‘


“A Negro Lynched.” The Weekly Advertiser (Montgomery, AL), April 03, 1890.