A Negro Outrager Hung

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Montgomery Advertiser
Place of publication: Montgomery, AL
Date of publication: Jul 19, 1884 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

OVER THE WIRES. NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD A Hung. Special to the Advertiser.] TUSCALOOSA, July 18,-The negro Andy Burke, who attempted an outrage on a little girl on the outskirts of this place last Tuesday was arrested last evening. The country had been thoroughly searched without success when information was obtained of his being secreted in an unoccupied house here. He was arrested about dark, and the Sheriff, knowing that a great excitement would be created if he took to the jail, which was being watched. slipped him into the city calaboose. The news soon spread and a crowd gathered about ten o’clock, broke into the calaboose, dragged the negro to a tree not very far distant and hung him to a limb. While he was hanging several balls from pistols were fired into him. His body remained where it was hung until this morning, when it was taken down and a coroners inquest held. The negro was about 22-years old and was coal-black. He caught the little girl, who was not over twelve years of age, as she was returning from town where she had been to take a music lesson. He seized her and choked her badly, but before he could accomplish his object he was frightened off and fled. He was taken to the little girl who fully identified him.