Emelle Report Expected Today

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Selma Times-Journal
Place of publication: Selma, Alabama
Date of publication: 7/12/1930 0:00
Source URL: View Source

EMELLE REPORT EXPECTED TODAY McAdory Near Completion Of Riot Inquiry MONTGOMERY, ALA., July 12.- (AP)-Gov. Bibb Graves today ex- pected a partial report from Walter K. McAdory, law enforcement direc- tor, of his investigation of the In- dependence Day disorders at Emelle. The Governor was in communica- tion with McAdory last night and indicated that he would have some- thing to say after a report of the officer’s findings is received. McAdory has been in the west Alabama county since early this week directing a squad of state of- ficers in their investigation of the outbreak which resulted in the death of two white men and four negroes. Meanwhile a southwide search was being conducted for Ollis Robertson, one of the negroes want- ed for the siaying of Grover Boyd. The other, John Robertson, was ar- rested yesterday at Tuscumbia when he was taken from a freight train. Eight other members of the Rob- ertson family are in Kilby prison for safe keping. They surrendered to state officers and asked that they be brought to the prison because they feared for their lives at the hands of members of a mob which lynched one member of the family and shot another to death. Two negroes who were arrested near Brighton and placed in the Jef- ferson county jail at Birmingham thought to have been two of the ne- groes wanted, were ordered released yesterday after they preved their identity. EMELLE REPORT EXPECTED TODAY McAdory Near Completion Of Riot Inquiry MONTGOMERY, ALA., July 12.- (AP)-Gov. Bibb Graves today ex- pected a partial report from Walter K. McAdory, law enforcement direc- tor, of his investigation of the In- dependence Day disorders at Emelle. The Governor was in communica- tion with McAdory last night and indicated that he would have some- thing to say after a report of the officer’s findings is received. McAdory has been in the west Alabama county since early this week directing a squad of state of- ficers in their investigation of the outbreak which resulted in the death of two white men and four negroes. Meanwhile a southwide search was being conducted for Ollis Robertson, one of the negroes want- ed for the siaying of Grover Boyd. The other, John Robertson, was ar- rested yesterday at Tuscumbia when he was taken from a freight train. Eight other members of the Rob- ertson family are in Kilby prison for safe keping. They surrendered to state officers and asked that they be brought to the prison because they feared for their lives at the hands of members of a mob which lynched one member of the family and shot another to death. Two negroes who were arrested near Brighton and placed in the Jef- ferson county jail at Birmingham thought to have been two of the ne- groes wanted, were ordered released yesterday after they preved their identity.