Fatal Shooting at Lock Sixteen

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Tuscaloosa News
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Date of publication: 12/28/1911 0:00

FATAL SHOOTING AT LOCK SIXTEEN LAMB MOSS, A NEGRO,KILLED BY TWO WHITE MEN SUNDAY NIGHT. A shooting scrape productive of fatal results ocourred at Lock 16 Sunday night, with Lamb Moss, a negro the victim of the shots of Sam Bush and Joe Morgan, white men. What brought about the trouble cannot be learned, as both white men who are now in the county jail will have little to say concerning the scrap, outside of the fact that Moss was the aggressor, and shot at them first. They state that Moss fired twelve shots at them, using a 38 calibre re- volver, none of the shots taking ef- fect. Moss was shot in two places, a shotgun load cutting his arm near- ly in two, while a revolver bullet pierced his body. The two men charged with killing the negro were brought down Mon- day by P. G. Wilson, and lodged in the county jail pending a ,reliminary hearing. FATAL SHOOTING AT LOCK SIXTEEN LAMB MOSS, A NEGRO,KILLED BY TWO WHITE MEN SUNDAY NIGHT. A shooting scrape productive of fatal results ocourred at Lock 16 Sunday night, with Lamb Moss, a negro the victim of the shots of Sam Bush and Joe Morgan, white men. What brought about the trouble cannot be learned, as both white men who are now in the county jail will have little to say concerning the scrap, outside of the fact that Moss was the aggressor, and shot at them first. They state that Moss fired twelve shots at them, using a 38 calibre re- volver, none of the shots taking ef- fect. Moss was shot in two places, a shotgun load cutting his arm near- ly in two, while a revolver bullet pierced his body. The two men charged with killing the negro were brought down Mon- day by P. G. Wilson, and lodged in the county jail pending a ,reliminary hearing.