Mob Lynches Two Negroes

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Miami Daily News- Record
Place of publication: Miami, Oklahoma
Date of publication: 8/14/1933 0:00
Source URL: View Source

Third Missing After Seizure of Girl’s Alleged Slayers in Alabama. Tuscaloosa, Ala, Aug. 14- (UP)- One of three Negroes spirited away by a lynching party still was missing today after the bodies of his two companions were found riddled by bullets. The three, Dan Pippen Jr., 18, Elmore Clark, 28, and A.T. Harden, 16, had been indicted for killing Miss Vaudine Maddox, 21-year-old white girl, whose battered body was found in a ravine. Police said that as a result of rumors of a threatened attack on the jail here, theyy decided to remove the prisoners to Birmingham for safekeeping. Sheriff R.L. Shamblin said that on the way, the party was halted near the Jefferson county line by two automobile loads of armed men, who seized the Negroes. Later the bodies of Pippen and Harden were found near Blocton. Acting on instructions from Gov. B.M. Miller, Judge Henry B.Foster ordered a grand jury investigation. Bitter criticsm came from the International Labor Defense, radical organization. Lawyers for the I.L.D . sought to represent Pippen, but were ruled out. Sheriff Shamblin charged that feeling aroused by “the interference of International Labor Defense lawyers in the case is directly responsible for this violence.”