
Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Times-Democrat
Place of publication: New Orleans, Louisiana
Date of publication: Jan 25, 1884 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

Eutaw, Ala. Special to The Times. Democrat. EUTAW, Jan. 24.-The weather changed very suddenly last night, and this morning we had ice and sleet again, similar to that of two weeks ago. To-night will be very cold again. Mr. Luther Sealey, a well-to-do farmer living about ten miles north of here, was killed by a negro named Big Scip Holly on the 19th. A posse of men are in hot pursuit of the murderer. The first shipment of cattle over the North- eastern Railroad left here to-day. The hope is entertained that the experiment will prove profitable. If so, it will lead to a good many more in the future.