
Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Tuskegee Republican
Place of publication: Tuskegee, Alabama
Date of publication: May 24, 1855 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

IN A most diabolical murder was recent- ly committed in Sumpter county, by a ne- gro belonging to James D. Thornton, on his little daughter. The account does not state how old the child was, but the negro was between 19 and 20 years of age. He assigns no reason for his atrocious deed, as he was not even angry with her at the time, and had always before been kind to her. He is now confined in jail, and will undoubted- ly suffer the extreme penalty of the law. IN A most diabolical murder was recent- ly committed in Sumpter county, by a ne- gro belonging to James D. Thornton, on his little daughter. The account does not state how old the child was, but the negro was between 19 and 20 years of age. He assigns no reason for his atrocious deed, as he was not even angry with her at the time, and had always before been kind to her. He is now confined in jail, and will undoubted- ly suffer the extreme penalty of the law.