Negro convict shot from ambush

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Montgomery Times
Place of publication: Montgomery, Alabama
Date of publication: 11/9/1914 0:00
Source URL: View Source

NEGRO CONVICT SHOT FROM AMBUSH. Tuscaloosa, November 9. Donny Cook a negro convict, working on the county roads near New Lexington, was shot from ambush yesterday and instantly killed. The sheriff’s forces went to the scene of the crime immediately, but it was stated this afternoon that no arrests had yet been made. Cook was working the roads with the county forces when he met his death. No trace of his assailant could be found and he evidently made his escape through the woods. Cook was convicted of assault with intent to murder for shooting Deputy Sheriff Brewer and was fined $100 by the jury. The trial judge, thinking this too light a punishment, added six months hard labor. The term of the negro’s sentence had almost expired.