Negro Killed ( Robert Harris Went Out To Murder And Bagged His GruesomeGame )

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Birmingham News
Place of publication: Birmingham AL
Date of publication: Sep 22, 1898 12:00 am

Ed James, accessory to the murder of John Davis. James was nearby when Davis was shot by Robert Har- ris last night. The arrest was made by Officers Oulpepper and Disheroon. G. W. Williams. a white man well up in years. was arrested by Officer Menasco on a charge of larceny of wheels from W. P. Gideon. It is al- leged he gtole two wheels. Willie Sewall was arrested by Offi- cer Patton on a charge of being want- ed in Calera on a charge of assault with intent to murder. The authori- ties at Calera have been notified of the arrest. NEGRO KILLED. Robert Harris Went Out to Murder and Bagged His Grue- some Game. John Davis, alias “Kid,” a well known negro, who was in the employ of the Wheelock Roofing Company. was shot and fatally wounded last night about 11 o’clock in Adam How- ard’s saloon, on Third avenue between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. Robert Harris, a tough negro, and said to be an ex-conviét, did the shooting. Davis died this morning at his home in Fifth alley between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. Harris is at large. The shooting is said to have been the result of an old grudge, and a woman was at the bottom of it. Davis played dominoes a good deal in the va- rious saloons, according to the state- ment of officers, and was at Howard’s saloon when Harris entered. The lat- ter stated before going there that he intended killing “Kid,” and when he came into the place he asked Davis to “set ’em up” to beer. Davis re- plied that he had no beer for him. whereupon Harris pulled a pistol and fired one shot on Davis. The bullet struck Davis in the right breast in the near vicinity of the nipple and ranged through the body. It was evident at a glance that the wound was a fatal one. The man was carried to his home and death relieved hím of pain this morning. Harris ran out of the saloon to Third avenue. He went westward and re-en- tered the Kansas City saloon. He then ran eastward through the alley, leaving it at Twentieth street. Near the coun- ty jail he was met by a negró with whom he had swapped hats during the day. The negro asked why he was so excited and Harris replied that he had just shot “Kid.” Harris then con- tinued in his flight telling the negro to “tell them that you saw me.” His whereabouts are unknown, but it is not believed he is yet out of the city. The shooting created considerable ex- citement. Officers were on the scene a few minutes after the shot was fired but could not find Harris. Ed James, accessory to the murder of John Davis. James was nearby when Davis was shot by Robert Har- ris last night. The arrest was made by Officers Oulpepper and Disheroon. G. W. Williams. a white man well up in years. was arrested by Officer Menasco on a charge of larceny of wheels from W. P. Gideon. It is al- leged he gtole two wheels. Willie Sewall was arrested by Offi- cer Patton on a charge of being want- ed in Calera on a charge of assault with intent to murder. The authori- ties at Calera have been notified of the arrest. NEGRO KILLED. Robert Harris Went Out to Murder and Bagged His Grue- some Game. John Davis, alias “Kid,” a well known negro, who was in the employ of the Wheelock Roofing Company. was shot and fatally wounded last night about 11 o’clock in Adam How- ard’s saloon, on Third avenue between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. Robert Harris, a tough negro, and said to be an ex-conviét, did the shooting. Davis died this morning at his home in Fifth alley between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. Harris is at large. The shooting is said to have been the result of an old grudge, and a woman was at the bottom of it. Davis played dominoes a good deal in the va- rious saloons, according to the state- ment of officers, and was at Howard’s saloon when Harris entered. The lat- ter stated before going there that he intended killing “Kid,” and when he came into the place he asked Davis to “set ’em up” to beer. Davis re- plied that he had no beer for him. whereupon Harris pulled a pistol and fired one shot on Davis. The bullet struck Davis in the right breast in the near vicinity of the nipple and ranged through the body. It was evident at a glance that the wound was a fatal one. The man was carried to his home and death relieved hím of pain this morning. Harris ran out of the saloon to Third avenue. He went westward and re-en- tered the Kansas City saloon. He then ran eastward through the alley, leaving it at Twentieth street. Near the coun- ty jail he was met by a negró with whom he had swapped hats during the day. The negro asked why he was so excited and Harris replied that he had just shot “Kid.” Harris then con- tinued in his flight telling the negro to “tell them that you saw me.” His whereabouts are unknown, but it is not believed he is yet out of the city. The shooting created considerable ex- citement. Officers were on the scene a few minutes after the shot was fired but could not find Harris.