Negro pays the penalty of Heinous Crime

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The semi-weekly Times-Democrat
Place of publication: New Orleans, La
Date of publication: Jul 15, 1898 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

COALING, ALA. Negro Pays the Penalty of a Heinous Crime. Special to The Times-Democrat. Birmingham, July 3. Yesterday afternoon late Sidney Johnson, a negro tramp, assaulted Mrs. Lily Hodges, residing near Coaling, in Tuskaloosa county. He knocked her down and criminally assaulted her. Mrs. Hodges is a widow and lives in a remote part of a small settlement with her little children. A posse was immediately formed and scoured the country for the negro. This morning early Miss Lizzie Cobb, a young lady living three miles from Coaling, was assaulted by the same negro, and only escaped by her struggles and those of her two sisters, who came to her rescue. About 10 o’clock one of the eitizns’ posse met the negro in the roadside. They took him, had him identified by Miss Cobb. carried him to the woods and strung him to a tree. They filled his body with lead and quietly left the scene.