Sheriff Sales

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Jacksonville Republican
Place of publication: Jacksonville, Alabama
Date of publication: Jun 19, 1855 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

Sheriff Sales. BY virtue of four venditioni ex- ponas, issued from. the circuit court of Benton county, and to me directed, one in favor of A. R. Smith & Co., one in favor of Wm. Dothard & co., one in favor of Da vid C. Haslett, and one in favor of Asa Skelton, and one execution in favor of Asa Skelton, Ex’r., and all against David Young, I will proceed to sell to the highest bid- der for cash, before the conrt house door in the Town of Jacksonville, on the first Monday in July next, the following described land to wit: the north west fourth of the north east fourth of section 29, township 15, range 8, east in the Coosa Land District, levied on as the property of David Young to satisfy said venditioni exponas, and execution. A. BROWN, Sheriff. June 5, 1855. Also, at the same time and place. BY virtue of one fi fa. issued from the Circuit Court of Benton CO. unty, and to me directed, in favor of Wm. H. Beach and, against Jo- seph T. Hunnicutt, & S. B. Fergu- son; I will sell to the highest bid- der for cash, on the first Monday in July next, before the Court House door in the Town of Jack- sonville, a Negro Boy named Dave, about 22 years of age, levie- d on to satisfy said fi fa. A. BROWN, Shiff. June 5, 1855. Sheriff Sales. BY virtue of four venditioni ex- ponas, issued from. the circuit court of Benton county, and to me directed, one in favor of A. R. Smith & Co., one in favor of Wm. Dothard & co., one in favor of Da vid C. Haslett, and one in favor of Asa Skelton, and one execution in favor of Asa Skelton, Ex’r., and all against David Young, I will proceed to sell to the highest bid- der for cash, before the conrt house door in the Town of Jacksonville, on the first Monday in July next, the following described land to wit: the north west fourth of the north east fourth of section 29, township 15, range 8, east in the Coosa Land District, levied on as the property of David Young to satisfy said venditioni exponas, and execution. A. BROWN, Sheriff. June 5, 1855. Also, at the same time and place. BY virtue of one fi fa. issued from the Circuit Court of Benton CO. unty, and to me directed, in favor of Wm. H. Beach and, against Jo- seph T. Hunnicutt, & S. B. Fergu- son; I will sell to the highest bid- der for cash, on the first Monday in July next, before the Court House door in the Town of Jack- sonville, a Negro Boy named Dave, about 22 years of age, levie- d on to satisfy said fi fa. A. BROWN, Shiff. June 5, 1855.