Two Wounded

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Selma Times-Journal
Place of publication: Selma, Alabama
Date of publication: April 26, 1926
Source URL: View Source

Andrew Moses of Liberty, Ala.. and Lillie Cobb, negro of Oneonta. Ala. are suffering from gunshot wounds In Birmingham hospitals today where they were removed late last night after an exchange of shots between persons in the Cobb woman’s home and seven robed figures who had surrounded the residence. Moses was one of the raiding party. it is alleged by authorities who have asked for a special session of the Blount county grand jury to investigate the case. Authorities were not advised whether the raiders were seeking Lillie Cobb or her husband. who was said to have been at home at the time the shooting took place. It is not known who fired the shots. After the shooting subsided, the raiders removed Moses and retired without further demonstration. It was said the seven men wore flowing robes and were masked. The woman is expected to die. Moses will recover.


“Two Wounded,” The Selma Times-Journal (Selma, Alabama) Apr. 26, 1926.