First Day

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Independent Monitor
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Date of publication: May 11, 1868 11:50 pm
Source URL: View Source

INDEPENDENT MONITOR. WHITE MAN-EIGHT OR WRONG- STILL THE-WHITE MAN! Office Over Gtascock’s Storc. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY R. RANDOLPH, Editor. totSDay;May # From the Selma Timer and Messenger as TRIAL *OF TYLAND RANDOLPH. it First, Pay. Their case of:Mr. Ryland ;Randolph, editors of the Tuskaloosa Monitor, held under arrest for trial before a Military Commission on-a charge of assault with intent to murder, having reent postpohed from Friday till Saturday and from Saturday till, Monday, on account of the absence of witnessestiv as take up:b the Comamission yesterday morning. Court is composed of the fol- lowing officers detailed for this duty: Major James Curtis, 15th Infantry: vet.Májor Horace Jewett, 15th * W. J. Sartle, 15th Infantey. Capt. R. Honey, 33d Infantry, The members of the Court laving the Judge Advo. cate, turn ;reccived the path from the President, the prisoner was asked. if hô objected: to any member Ithe-Commission, to which a neg. ative answer was returned: Maj. J. G.: Pierce, and:Maj. W.H. E. Randall, appeared asicounsel for-the prisoner. Mr. EI. subsequently appeared alefence. The following is the charge upon which the prisoner is arraigned: battery with intent town murder. (Code of Alabama 3670;) Specification, I this, that Ryland Randolph; a citizen of Tuskaloosa, Tuskaloosa Co., Alq, unlayfully and with malice parethought did assault, one Balus Eddins, a ,freedman of color, with , intent: feloniously and with malice aforethought to murder him the said Balus Edding. This ,at Tuskaloosa, (Tuskaloosa county, on or about March 28, 1868. On account of the absence of Mr. Somerville, who-was expected on the Meridian train, a further postponoment, of the. .case till, the afternoon was asked. Refused. Two several pleas were made by the counsel for the defence to the jurisdiction of the Court, one based on ” General Orders No. 65,” tho other on the Constitution and laws of the United States. They were both over- ruled. Balus Eddins, colored, was called for the prosecution. Eddins is a hard -favored individual, of, we should judge, less than the average intelligence of his race in this State, and, if there is anything in appearance and the expression of the countenance, of a revengelul disposition, and a troublesomo temper. He is evidently a field hand, and is, we guess, forty-flve or fifty years old.- He was sworn, and testified substantially as follows: