Governor Is Asked To Call Special Term

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Birmingham News
Place of publication: Birmingham, AL
Date of publication: 8/31/1906

GOVERNOR IS ASKED . TO CALL SPECIAL TERM TO TRY WILLIAM THOMPSON, THE . MOBILE NEGRO CHARGED WITH ASSAULT. THE MONTGOMERY FAIR. Special to The Birmingham News. MONTGOMERY, Ala.. Aug. 31.One of tbe most horrible crimes which bag been brought to the attention of the governor is that of William Thompson, a negro of Mobile, who Is charged with assaulting Edna May Fowler and Lillian Saveile, two white girls, 8 years old. Wednesday night after the preliminary hearing the citizens there were so incensed that about 1000 of them broke Into the jail In an effort to burn the brute, but tbe sheriff had wind of the affair and had spirited the negro away and be passed through Montgomery yesterday in custody of two deputy sheriffs who were taking him to Birmingham for safe keeping. The mob battered down the gate to the jail and then the Iron doors and so determined were they to get the negro if he was there one man grabbed Sheriff Powers threateningly and demanded to know where the negro could be found The governor hag been asked to call a special term of court to try the negro. It will not be safe for him to go back, to Mobile now.


“Governor Is Asked To Call Special Term.” The Birmingham News (Birmingham, AL), August 31, 1906.