Gus Bush Captured

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Macon Beacon
Place of publication: Macon, MS
Date of publication: 2/22/1902 0:00
Source URL: View Source

Gus Bush Captured. Gus Bush, the murderer of Constable Earnest Dismukes, has been captured. He is in charge of the officers at America. Ala., between this city and Birmingham. As soon as the local officers received a description of the man they went in the mines after him. He had been there some time at work and submitted quietly to arrest. When they emerged from the mine Bush started to run and the officer shot him in the back, the weapon used being a pistol. Bush fell and was taken to prison where he remains. Deputy Constable Cook went up to America last Friday and returned Sunday, and he says that the man is certainly Bush, He was with Dismukes when the latter was killed and knows the negro well. The Walker county officers refuse to deliver the prisoner until the reward is paid. The statutory reward of $100 is offered for his capture and conviction- Columbus Dispatch. Sheriff Moore, of Walker county telegraphed Sheriff Clark to-day, that Bush was too badly hurt to be moved at present.