Hanged to a coaling Derrick

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Nebraska State Journal
Place of publication: Lincoln, NE
Date of publication: 11/27/1886
Source URL: View Source

Hanged to a Coaling Derrick.
Montgomery, Ala., Nob. 26 — John Davis, a negro rapist, was lynched at Randolph Wednesday night. He was the perpetrator of three outrages, the last being committed near Randolph, Sunday on Mrs. Curpton, a white lady who had gone some distance from her home gathering up firewood with a little boy. The two were seized by two negroes from behind some bushes. One of the men drew a pistol, cocked it, and placing it to her head, said, “If you scream I will kill you,” telling the boy something. He was captured and about 9 o’clock Wednesday night a mob of about fifty men overpowered the guard, took the prisoner out and hanged him to a coaling derrick.


“Hanged to a coaling Derrick.” The Nebraska State Journal (Lincoln, NE), November 27, 1886.