Negro Attempts Assault

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Times Democrat
Place of publication: New Orleans, LA
Date of publication: 3/23/1907

NEGRO ATTEMPTS ASSAULT. Birmingham, Ala, March 22.–A special from Florence. Ala., says: While Ben Rice was engaged in jury duty in this city today, a negro named Cleveland Hardin entered his home and attempted to assault Mrs. Rice, who was alon in the houe, five miles from this city. The negro was attacked by a shepherd dog which is a pet of Mrs. Rice and was driven away. Bloodhounds have been called from Columbia Tenn.. and are on the way to the scene of the crime. A posse is scouring the surrounding country for the negro. and violence is almost sure to result if he is captured. The woman attacked was a sister-in-law of Sheriff Wilson of this county. It is thought likely that the military will be called out to protect the man.


“Negro Attempts Assault.” The Times-Democrat (New Orleans, LA), March 23, 1907.