Negro Lynched In Alabama

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Beatrice Daily Express
Place of publication: Beatrice, NE
Date of publication: 3/25/1907

NEGRO LYNCHED IN ALABAMA Assailant of White Woman Tied to Tree and Riddled With Bullets. Florence, Ala-., March 25. Cleveland Harding, a negro, who attacked Mrs. Ben F. Rice near here Saturday, was lynched by 300 citizens, including his intended victim’s husband. Tied to a tree, the negro was riddled with bullets, the first shot being fired by Rice. Following this every man in the crowd emptied his revolver at the prisoner The negro was captured and taken before Mrs. Rice, who fainted at sight of him. Upon recovering, she fully identified her assailant, and on being asked what should be done with him, told the negro’s captors to do as they thought best. Beyond confessing his guilt the negro had nothing to say and seemed indifferent to his fate.


“Negro Lynched in Alabama.” The Beatrice Daily Express (Beatrice, NE), March 25, 1907.