No Trail While Militia Is On Hand

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: n.a.
Publisher: The Birmingham News
Place of publication: Birmingham, AL
Date of publication: 9/13/1906

At the conclusion of the taking of term of the court for hearing toe case of Wlllia Thompson, toe self-confessed assailant of white children, now con fined In the Jefferson county Jail at Birmingham for safe keeping, having been removed from the county Jail here only a few minutes before an angry populace tore down the gates of that Institution In quest of the fiend. I will never call any one before the bar of justice In my court when it Is necessary for the court to be guarded by the militia. said Judge Semmes by way of explaining his position. Such a trial would be nothing more than Judicial murder, and should such convictions exist when Thompson Is brought here for trial I shall send him back to Birmingham to await until the people have become quiet. Judge Semmes explained that bis reason for not calling a special term of hla court was that it could not be held earlier than four days


“No Trail While Militia Is On Hand.” The Birmingham News (Birmingham, AL), September 13, 1906.