Officer Forced To Kill Negro Blacksmith Sunday When He Drew His Knife

Source Type: Newspaper
Author: na
Publisher: The Tuscaloosa News
Place of publication: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Date of publication: 4/2/1925 0:00

Newspapers com The Tuscaloosa News (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) . 20 Apr 1925, Mon . Page 1 by Downloaded on Mar 31, 2022 OFFICERS FORCED TO KILL NEGRO BLACKSMITH SUNDAY WHEN HE DREW HIS KNIFE Morris Hardy, negro blacksmith This time Murphy called the po- was shot and killed between 1 and lice himself. 2 o’elock yesterday afternoon By the time the police arrived, probably ten minutes later, Hardy when he met the attempt of Finch had left and the officers were told Robinson and Mose Ashley to ar. that he could probably be found rest him with an assault. Both at his home. They were not told officers fired at about the same that he was dangerous. They went to his home on Ninth street. be- instant, and the negro, who had tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth hold of Ashley and who held a avenues, to arrest him for cursing drawn knife in his hand, fell in and creating a disturbance. his tracks. An investigation was As Finch Robinson stepped in made by Coroner T. Hardin, but the front door the negro threw a no action was taken. smoothing iron which narrowly The negro was an employe of missed his head and struck the the Wm. Thomas wall. Ashley stepped in a rear and had been drinking. He went door and the negro grabbed him to the Feedwell Cafe, a negro by the shirt and drew back a restaurant on Seventh street, at knife in his right hand. Robinson about 1 o’clock yesterday to bor- had drawn his gun when the iron row money of William Jones, ne- was thrown and Ashley had drawn gro proprietor of the place. (Jones when he heard the racket saw statement that he had no money conditions as he stepped through was met with a volley of oaths the door. Both claim they fired and threats from Hardy, it is said. at about the same time. Coroner When Jones started to telephone Hardin found one bullet had piere- the police. Hardy drew his knife. ed the negro’s body. passing At. about that time W. T. Mur- through his heart. The offer phy, negro proprietor of the Mur- bullet went wild. phy Undertaking Company, step- The negro, Chief A. L. McDuff ped in and succeeded in quieting says, is the second the police have Hardy and getting him out of the killed since he became chief of cafe. A little later, howeyer, police twelve years ago. In that Hardy made his way back to the time two officers have been killed cafe and repeated his demands for and a third seriously wounded in money with oaths and threats. the performance of their duty. Clipped By: Morris Hardy CallieOutlaw Tue, Jul 13, 2021 POWERED BY Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. News papers” Newspapers com The Tuscaloosa News (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) . 20 Apr 1925, Mon . Page 1 by Downloaded on Mar 31, 2022 OFFICERS FORCED TO KILL NEGRO BLACKSMITH SUNDAY WHEN HE DREW HIS KNIFE Morris Hardy, negro blacksmith This time Murphy called the po- was shot and killed between 1 and lice himself. 2 o’elock yesterday afternoon By the time the police arrived, probably ten minutes later, Hardy when he met the attempt of Finch had left and the officers were told Robinson and Mose Ashley to ar. that he could probably be found rest him with an assault. Both at his home. They were not told officers fired at about the same that he was dangerous. They went to his home on Ninth street. be- instant, and the negro, who had tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth hold of Ashley and who held a avenues, to arrest him for cursing drawn knife in his hand, fell in and creating a disturbance. his tracks. An investigation was As Finch Robinson stepped in made by Coroner T. Hardin, but the front door the negro threw a no action was taken. smoothing iron which narrowly The negro was an employe of missed his head and struck the the Wm. Thomas wall. Ashley stepped in a rear and had been drinking. He went door and the negro grabbed him to the Feedwell Cafe, a negro by the shirt and drew back a restaurant on Seventh street, at knife in his right hand. Robinson about 1 o’clock yesterday to bor- had drawn his gun when the iron row money of William Jones, ne- was thrown and Ashley had drawn gro proprietor of the place. (Jones when he heard the racket saw statement that he had no money conditions as he stepped through was met with a volley of oaths the door. Both claim they fired and threats from Hardy, it is said. at about the same time. Coroner When Jones started to telephone Hardin found one bullet had piere- the police. Hardy drew his knife. ed the negro’s body. passing At. about that time W. T. Mur- through his heart. The offer phy, negro proprietor of the Mur- bullet went wild. phy Undertaking Company, step- The negro, Chief A. L. McDuff ped in and succeeded in quieting says, is the second the police have Hardy and getting him out of the killed since he became chief of cafe. A little later, howeyer, police twelve years ago. In that Hardy made his way back to the time two officers have been killed cafe and repeated his demands for and a third seriously wounded in money with oaths and threats. the performance of their duty. Clipped By: Morris Hardy CallieOutlaw Tue, Jul 13, 2021 POWERED BY Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved. News papers”