Shot In Bed

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Chattanooga Times
Place of publication: Chattanooga
Date of publication: Jul 9, 1878 11:50 pm

SHOT IN BED. . White Mob Makes Short Work of Negro Lochario. Special to the Chattanooga Times. BIRMINGHAM, ALA., July 10.-Information has just been received from Tuskaloosa County of the killing of Wash Bell, a negro, by a mob of white men. Bell had been ar- rested for wife beating and was being tried at Trigg’s Store, in Dodson Flat. Officer Cunningbam had taken the prisoner to Trigg’s Store, where his trial was to have taken place yesterday. The officer and the negro were sleeping on palleta in a rear room of the store. During the night a oum- ber of armed men broke open the room, rushed in and shot the negro to death and disappeared before they could be recognized. Bell had seduced a white girl near that place, and the citizens took revenge on him.