The News of the Week

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: Delaware Gazette and State Journal
Place of publication: Wilmington, Delaware
Date of publication: Jan 10, 1884 12:00 am

Saturday evening week at Alta, on the Georgia Pacifio railroad, William B. Pope was shot and seriously wounded by a negro named Lewia Austin. Mr. Pope left Columbus, Mies., that atternoon, and jnst before reaching Alta in paesing through the ear he was jostled by Austin who, when spoken to by Pope, attempted to atrike him with & pair of brass- knuckles. The blow was warded off, and the tronble was quieted by the parties being separated. At Alta, Pope was warned that the negro would make an attempt upon bis life and he armed himself with E pistol. Upon alighting from the traiu he was coutronted by Austin, who had his pistol in hand and fired at Popa twice, one of the shote striking him in the thumb and the other in the right breast above the nipple, producing a dangerons wound. Pope fired at Austin three times withont effect. Austin was pursued by a party organized at Alta and osptured. He was forthwith stroug up to a limb of a tree by a rope and hie body fired fnll of bullet holes. He was allowed to hang until 5 o’clock Sunday evening, all of the negroes being afraid to ent him down. A jury WBB empaneled by a Walker county juatice, acting in the oapacity of corouer, and brought in the following unique verdict: “We find that Lewis Austin came to his death by being bnug and 20th dev of December.” Saturday evening week at Alta, on the Georgia Pacifio railroad, William B. Pope was shot and seriously wounded by a negro named Lewia Austin. Mr. Pope left Columbus, Mies., that atternoon, and jnst before reaching Alta in paesing through the ear he was jostled by Austin who, when spoken to by Pope, attempted to atrike him with & pair of brass- knuckles. The blow was warded off, and the tronble was quieted by the parties being separated. At Alta, Pope was warned that the negro would make an attempt upon bis life and he armed himself with E pistol. Upon alighting from the traiu he was coutronted by Austin, who had his pistol in hand and fired at Popa twice, one of the shote striking him in the thumb and the other in the right breast above the nipple, producing a dangerons wound. Pope fired at Austin three times withont effect. Austin was pursued by a party organized at Alta and osptured. He was forthwith stroug up to a limb of a tree by a rope and hie body fired fnll of bullet holes. He was allowed to hang until 5 o’clock Sunday evening, all of the negroes being afraid to ent him down. A jury WBB empaneled by a Walker county juatice, acting in the oapacity of corouer, and brought in the following unique verdict: “We find that Lewis Austin came to his death by being bnug and 20th dev of December.”