Two Captives Lynched and Third Missing

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: The Omaha Morning Bee News
Place of publication: Omaha, Nebraska
Date of publication: 8/15/1933 0:00
Source URL: View Source

2 Captives Lynched And Third Missing TUSCALOOSA, Ala., Aug. 14, (AP)-One of three Negroes spirited away by a lynching party was missing Monday after the bodies of his two companions were found riddled by bullets. The three, Dan Pippen jr., 18; Elmore Clark, 28, and A. T. Har- den, 16, had been indicted for killing Miss Vaudine Maddox, 21, whose battered body was found in a ravine. While Sheriff R. L. Shamblin was taking the men to Birmingham for safe keeping, two auto- mobile loads of armed men seized the prisoners. Later the bodies of Pippen and Harden were found near Blocton. Judge Henry B. Foster ordered a grand jury investigation.