Execution Reported in St. Louis

Source Type: Newspaper
Publisher: St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Place of publication: St. Louis, MO
Date of publication: Jan 26, 1889 12:00 am
Source URL: View Source

Jim Seams Hanged. Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. . EUTAW, ALA,, January 25.-“I’m a-going right home to glory. I know I am, for my sins have all been forgiven,” said Jim Seams to-day as the Sheriff adjusted the noose about his neck and pulled down the black cap. Jim Seams, colored, was hanged at 12:07 for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Autry, of Tuscaloosa County, on the 28th of January, 1888. The officer went to Seams’ house with a warrant for his arrest. Without a word of warning the negro shot him dead with a shotgun. Seams fled, but was captured several days later and narrowly escaped lynching, the military being called out to protect him. He was tried last April, convicted and sentenced to hang in June, but on an appeal to the Supreme Court he secured a new trial and a change of venue to this county. In October he was again tried, convicted and sentenced to hang to-day, which sentence was carried out. Only about fifty people witnessed the execution. Seams had professed religion, and said he was confident he would go to heaven. His neck was broken by the fall.